oh, um, Nathan. profile picture

oh, um, Nathan.

but it was only in my head, because no one ever says what they really mean to say, when there's so m

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i'll be upfront about this because i'm tired of telling anyone who 'requests'...

if i don't know you there are two reasons i'll add you, so either i find you interesting or you convince me. i'm not conceited, i'm just not looking to dig through 8 pages of friends list to find someone.

oh yeah, and you can get me here if you need... aim boomsthename gmail nathanvacha

oh, and add me here , where we're tolerant and love everyone... in fact, we'll be a downright myspace whore...


What I'm listening to:
My mixtape:
Music I generally think is pretty good
The Get Up Kids
Brand New
The Honorary Title (the old E.P. only really)
The Alkaline Trio/Hot Water Split
and of course the BloodBrothers.
Lately i've felt it fitting to add to this list the following:
M Ward
Head Automatica(esp. Tokyo Decadence)
Radiohead (which should have been there before)
Telefon Tel Aviv (whose vinyl is tricky to come by) The Postal Service (esp. remixes)
Tilly and the Wall
Bloc Party (esp. remixes)
The Grey Album
Johnny Cash Colour Revolt
Elliott Smith(esp. Figure 8 & XO & covers & some unreleased tracks)
The Good Life
Doug Martsch(but only on record, not live at the 40 watt club in Athens)
Pedro the Lion(Even though my winners never quit 12" "got lost in the mail" twice already)
Bonnie "Prince" Billy
Devendra Banhart
Modest Mouse (esp. when i'm in the mood for it)
One Line Drawing
Q And Not U
Rocky Votolato (esp. live, not so much the c.d.)
Wilco (from song to song)


My Blog

thankful to be getting older

so... recently i was thinking that it's not particularly exiting to be getting older. I've oficially been 23 for one month today, and it feels old. almost older than i ever thought i'd be. kindof d...
Posted by oh, um, Nathan. on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST


= homeoh, and goes with anything. It's kinda like christmas.
Posted by oh, um, Nathan. on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 08:39:00 PST

every breath is a bomb ...with a short fuse

So I was thinking recently... and I would hate to die and have people not know that there's a God who created this world and still cares for it and that that fact has made a severe impression on my ...
Posted by oh, um, Nathan. on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:21:00 PST

uh... because i'm bored, duh.

So I just watched a video of pedro the lion live and he changed the words from "and i'll recieve a mansion... on the river jordan" to "...recieve a mansion.... right next to mel gibson's"...and I jus...
Posted by oh, um, Nathan. on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:31:00 PST

I was listening...

Count it a blessing...You'r such a failure...Your second chance mightNever have come.
Posted by oh, um, Nathan. on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:27:00 PST