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Princess Ga


About Me

I am Vibrant, funky, fly and FIERCE baby! Also outspoken, wild, and did I mention SEXY?? Intelligent, passionate about life and love, funny (whether laughing at myself or being laughed at), silly in that infectious way, loud as hell, kind, compassionate, caring, positive, a dreamer and sweet... Ummm....hmmm, I'm also the lead singer of a Rock n' roll band, The YERSTEDAY WOLF (check this out on myspace!!!) I don't know€ you tell me if I missed something...

My Interests

This is my biggest problem!!! There's so many interessting things to do that it's so hard to choose!

I'd like to meet:

Intelligent people, dichotomous personality, good natured, funny, free spirited, kind hearted, spontaneous, fabulous, and mildly perverted (I love a dirty mind) hehehe! Basically people who love and enjoy life and want to meet people who do the same. Criminals, Rebels, Nonconformits and even blond girls are allowed!!! PAY ATTENTION TO THIS: for the self-loving assholes who think they'll have a date for sex or find love (what a strange and stupid idea!!!) on my space and the racial and sexual INTOLERANT ones please, don€™t waste the little of your remained brain and go back to your mama!!!


No matter, the most important is when Groove is in the heart, rythm is love and God loves Rock n' Roll...Nikka Costa "Like A Feather"

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L'uomo delle stelle...Rocky 1, Undercover brother (we want the funk!), Austin Powers (got the mojo baby!), Revolver, La Strada, The godfather(as a good italian girl, respect man!!!)and all the Jonnhy Depp, Jack Black(YEAH!!!) and Tarantino movies!!!


Sex and the city!!!Don't have time for the rest.


Furniture styles books,Georges Sand and Paolo Coelho.


My dad, Superman My mum, Wonderwoman, The genius who had the brilliant idea to invent the washing dishes machine and EACH ONE OF US!

My Blog

Découvre cette vidéo : Nikka Costa "On & On" (live 2005)

Nikka Costa "On & On" (live 2005) Ajouter à mon profil. | Plus de vidéos...
Posted by Princess Ga on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:55:00 PST