Mahirimah profile picture


And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
Hi! My name is Mahirimah (aka Sara), I am a belly dance performer and Instuctor of ten years experience and I absolutley adore it. I have passed the JWAAD teachers foundation course and I continue to study this beautiful dance, I do not think I will ever stop learning. I have been fortunate to have attended lessons and workshops by some fantastic teachers over the years; Sara Abou Farat, Maria D'Silva, Storm, Galit Mersand, Ozgen and Serena Ramzy are just some of the people I have been lucky enough to have met and learn from.My journey into the world of Middle Eastern dance in 1998, it has been a long road to travel down with many twists and turns but every bit of it has given me valuable experience.I teach, Chereograph and dance with Raks Habibi UK in Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex. Check out our website at! (I'm a bit of a tinkerer and made and designed most of the website myself with a little help from the man I love!)When I'm not bellydancing...... In a nutshell; Cancerian, Concerned about the state of the planet (A bit of a greenie), Love animals and hates injustice and unfairness!..
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My Interests

Turkish Belly dancing, Egyptian Dance, other forms of Bellydance, Cats, Films, Forteana, writing, Paranormal phenomenon.

I'd like to meet:

Other Bellydancers, forteans, David Tennant,Harrison Ford,Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Jackie Chan and fellow eccentrics and lovers of the wierd and wonderful!


Anything Middle Eastern (bellydancing link going on here methinks)..Natasha Atlas, Hakim, Shakira, Sahar, Kenan Dogolu, Tarkan, Oojami and Hossam Ramzy. In the non bellydance world I like Dolly Parton, George Harrison, Credence Clearwater revival, Queen, Movie Soundtracks, Maximum the Hormone, Cream Vs the Hoxtons, Kid Rocks lastest single. Anything really.... I have a fondness for cheesy pop and country and western(shhh)!


Indiana Jones Films, The Labyrinth, 300, Slushy romantic comedies, Pirates of the Caribbean all three of them , Ghostbusters, Jaws, Armegeddon, Japanese films and Anime (Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited away etc), Hong Kong Movies (loved Dragon Tiger Gate and the Forbidden Kingdom), The Princess Bride, Hot Fuzz, Black Sheep, Death Note and Mamma Mia


DR WHO!!!!!!!!!, Top Gear, The Hairy Bikers (or Bakers as they a currently known as)


Agatha Christie Novel's, The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency Series, SFX, Fortean Times, books on the Paranormal, Real-Life Mysteries, True Life Crime, Terry Prachett, PJ Tracey Novels


My Parents, Matt (my rock), my family, Rolf Harris, The RNLI and anyone who is trying to save this beautiful planet that we live on :)

My Blog

Amazing Day

Very short blog today............. My brain aches and my eye's are tired but what an amazing day! I had a long Drive (for me) today but it was worth it.  I  have learnt an awful lo...
Posted by Mahirimah on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:56:00 PST

Full Throttle/Top Gear

The other night I wrote a very long missive on how my poor little car nearly went kaput last tuesday as a result of the car I parked it next to going up in flames.  My car survived (fortunatley w...
Posted by Mahirimah on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 01:09:00 PST

Confession time

I confess that I'm totally addicated to Fox's Glacier Mints, Cheese on Toast, Kid Rock's new song All Summer Long, Summer Heights High (really reminds me of attending High school but wi...
Posted by Mahirimah on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 03:59:00 PST

A Grand day out

Saturday was my birthday and I did'nt get up to much... floated around trying to forget my age!  Mind you got to watch his georgousness DT..... and sqeeeeeed like the fan girl I am when Torc...
Posted by Mahirimah on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 02:04:00 PST

Because your’e worth it

I have straight hair for once!!!   woohooooooo!  I've been to the hair dressers today to get my mane trimmed.  I had a about an inch lopped off the bottom but it does'nt make a jot...
Posted by Mahirimah on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 08:19:00 PST

On the Bus

It's been a while!!! Beloved and I went to see Paul Zenon, Lee Mack and Harry Hill at their 'On the bus' tour last night and I did not stop laughing during the whole gig.  Yep it was me hoot...
Posted by Mahirimah on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:52:00 PST

Lol Cats

And below my favourite Absolutey nothing what so ever to do with belly dancing but these made me laugh so much (very very juvenile humour I know).........LOL...
Posted by Mahirimah on Thu, 29 May 2008 03:09:00 PST

I don’t care what the Weatherman says

What's happening? I don't blog for ages and then.............Now it may be just me but weren't the weather men wrong in the UK. I'm not sure about the rest of the nation but here in the South lands ...
Posted by Mahirimah on Sun, 25 May 2008 01:29:00 PST

The Suspicions of Miss Mahirimah

Not that I am actually suspicious of anything at the moment, I'm reading a book called "The Suspicions of Mr Whicher' and it is very good and I Love the title, hence the name of the blog. Class was so...
Posted by Mahirimah on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:40:00 PST

Essex and Ikea

Phew!  Beloved and I have had a busy couple of days.  We went to our friend's brothers wedding in Chelmsford, Essex yesterday.  Travelled up in the morning - the ceremony was lovely, th...
Posted by Mahirimah on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:45:00 PST