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Just me

Only the Strong Survive

About Me

I age, breathe, come, drink, eat, fondle, grunt, groan, humble, impress, jerk off, kiss, lick, mope, navigate, occupy, piss, quaver, recover, shy, squint, smile, sleep, sneeze, [have been told that I] snore, topple, undergo, variegate, wit, yawn, x,z-verb (english lacks both x and z verbs!) Hi, how are you doing today? I,m Ryan and I live in Noblesville, IN. There is nothing typical about me. In my spare time I like to workout and especially run. Other than that I have a Pit bull and a Siamese cat. I have never come close to being married and I have no kids. There, that is me in one paragraph...what about you? Click here for your own University of Iowa Myspace Layout

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

What is Your "True Tractor"

John Deere
Nothing Runs Like A Deere Baby !!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com



Sucks to be this idiot.

I don't really have time, nor do I make time, for movies. If I had to pick a favorite movie it would be Requiem for a Dream. I also like Friday, GoodFellas ect.

Semi Truck

Ever wonder wonder what is what is like to be rollin' down the road in a Big Truck? Jump in and enjoy the ride!

Myspace Layouts


Dog, Cops, Iowa Hawkeye f-ball and b-ball, Colts, Pacers, Packers, Cubs, Monday Night Football


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