My name is Phyllis but everyone knows me by P.J., Im a divorced, single parent of a spoiled ass daughter named Sarah HaHa BUT I love my chickers! I am a nurse currently working in Fl. I've done some traveling as a Travel Nurse and wouldn't mind going again sometime with the right person. Job security I have, but it gets lonely. I'm a Scorpio and a romantic at heart. I like the simple things. Long walks, movies, going out to eat, and generally, just being with the person I care about. Unfortunately, when I was married it was just too much of a "one way" street with me doing all the driving. Anyway, currently I am staying at my sisters with her family until after the new year and will probably be looking for my own apartment.
~P.J.~This is my Chicker..
All About You!!
The Basics
Name?: Phyllis
Sex?: Female
Birthday?: 11/20/1960
Location?: Florida right now
Height?: 5'2
Weight?: not sure right now
Hair Color?: Brown/blonde
Eye Color?:
Social Life
Who is your best friend(s)?: Cindy, my friend in Ohio
Would you rather be alone, hangout with one other person, or in a group?: in a group
What would you consider a typical Friday nite?: Goin out to dinner and walkin around town
How often do you go out on the weekend? during the week?: Not really that much. I like to windoe shop.
Would you rather spend the day with your family or friends?: Both
Love Life
Are you single?: Divorced
If so, do u have a crush?: Hmmmm.... not really
What is his/her name?: ........
If not, what is his/her name?: .........
How long have you two been together?: ..........
This or That
Night or Day?: night
Cat or Dog?: dog
Ugly and Sweet or Hott and Mean?: ugly and sweet
Hot or Cold?: cold
Tall or Short?: dont matter
Prep of Punk?: punk LOL
Winter or Summer?: summer
McDonalds or Burgerking?: McDonalds
Hard or Soft?: soft
Yes or No?
Do you drink?: not really
Have you ever gotten drunk?: yea like once
Do you smoke?: No
Have you ever gotten high?: No.
Are you prude?: no
Are you a virgin?: no
Are you smart?: yes
Are you ugly?: no
Are you pretty?: yes
Are you trustworthy?: all the way
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?: OMG idk
How many pairs of shoes do you have that actually fit?: all of mine fit
What size bra do you wear?: wtf?
Have you ever colored your hair?: yea
What pieces of jewlery do you wear everyday?: my earrings
Do you have a cell phone?: yes
Name three things you "can't live without": my daughter (family), car and money
Who do you talk to the most on aim? phone?: my daughterand my friends
What color(s) is your room?: blue
Do you have a computer in your room?: yes
What time do you usually go to bed? wake up?: im a nurse who works nights
What's your favorite clothes store?: well right now I like the K-mart
Do you wear makeup?: yes
Do you paint your nails?: yes
What size shoe are you?: like a 7 I think
Did you like this quiz/survey?: its ok
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