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About Me

Well, my space is still a bit rough around the edges, but make it a point to READ MY BLOG! If you wish to be kept up-to-date on future performances - and the progress of the album - make a Friend Request and you'll receive a bulletin from time to time. Cheers,

My Interests


Member Since: 6/25/2006
My earliest influence, and the band whose indelible, psychedelic molding of my mind just can not be overstated, was The Beatles. I owe my acoustic playing style primarily to Ian Anderson and Jimmy Page: the Rock Gods of my youth. The bands that I listened to the most during those impressionable teen years were Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Yes, Genesis, Steely Dan, The Rolling Stones, and The Who. Factoring in prominently as well were David Bowie, Elton John, and Alice Cooper (especially their early material.) My penchant for improvization comes from a decade wisely spent following The Grateful Dead. After Jerry Garcia's passing, Phish picked up and carried the torch, and, despite their break-up, Trey Anastasio still holds a place in my heart. Sting speaks to the hopelessly romantic poet in me, and much more. A special thanks to Jon Anderson, Justin Hayward, George Harrison, Scott Fray, and my brother, Doug for my firm belief in the evolution of the soul. Special thanks to my Mom and Dad, Erato and Thalia, and Ray Davies for my lyrical wit, without which, my songs would be, well, not nearly as humorous as they are.

Mythology, Cosmology, Greek Tragedy, Ancient Civilizations, Old Growth Forests, The Arts, Chess, Tarot, Tai Chi, Kinbaku, more to come...

The Hero with a Thousand Faces, and other works of Joseph Campbell. Journey to Ixtlan and just about anything else by Carlos Castaneda. Jitterbug Perfume, Still Life with Woodpecker, Michael Meade, The Passion of Isis and Osiris. Harry Potter (love the books, but the movies usually leave me wanting.) More to come...

Anything that challenges and undermines the illusion that time and space are rigid: The Truman Show, The Matrix, Groundhog Day, Big Fish, Pleasantville, Lord of the Rings, more to come...
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: None

My Blog


"Rafiki?" you say incredulously. "Wasn't he that funny, little baboon in The Lion King?"Yes, Rafiki was that comical, Zen-trickster in The Lion King. Only he wasn't a baboon, he was a mandrill. As you...
Posted by Rafiki on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 03:43:00 PST