woody [DEMON CREW] profile picture

woody [DEMON CREW]

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Dear MySpace
1. Friend Test?....You got to be kidding me. Who the fuck are you to test me? Go ahead and delete me, I have no desire or need to prove anything to any one who would "TEST" a friend. The people on your friend list, didn't sneak on there, YOU approved them. I will never repost your stupid "friend test," so spare me the dramatics, delete me now.
2. God and Jesus.... dont need bulletins passed along MySpace. People who do not repost religous bulletins are not denying God, Jesus (or Buddha or Muhammed or Flying Spaghetti Monster). They just choose not to play your game.
3. Tom is never going to charge for MySpace. Why? Because it is advertiser supported. The more people who are on here, the more money MySpace (and its parent company) makes. If there is ever going to be a change in MySpace it will not be announced through bulletins. Why would any company trust its future to idiots, who "test" their friends, and think that the phone rings because they've re-posted a bulletin.
4. Charities will never see a penny because you have reposted a chain mail. Get real. There are a lot of much less complicated ways to raise money than that. Think about it. Charities DON'T use chain mail or bulletins to raise funds. EVER!
5. Don't act offended if someone asks to be your friend. If you don't want friends you don't know in real time, then change your fucking settings, stop acting like a fucking drama queen.
6. Not everyone will like you. That's life. Grow up. Even Hitler had pals, you'll find someone too! If someone denies your 'add friend request', move on. Don't pester the shit out of someone to be your friend, it's not going to work.
7. Don't act offended if not every message you send receives a reply. People have lives beyond MySpace, and hold out the possibility that they may not want to talk to you right this moment. Your mother lied to you, you aren't the most special person in the world.
8. "Bored?" - Keep it to yourself. Why would anyone want to chat to someone who is bored? You're bored because you aren't bright enough to entertain your mind, stop expecting strangers to entertain you.
9. Don't question the number of friends someone has. It's none of your fucking business. What is it to you if Sally or Johnny has 10,000 friends. It makes them happy. And their 10,000 friends don't seem to mind. Do you really chat with all of your 40 friends everyday?
10. Your phone is going to ring regardless of what you do with a bulletin. Reposting a bulletin along won't make it ring. It will prove to your friends that you are an idiot.
11. Do you really want a BF or GF that is conjured up by you reposting a bulletin on MySpace? Let's face it, if you can't attract and keep a BF/GF, reposting a bulletin isn't going to change the fact that you are loser. In fact it sends a clear indication to any potential mate, that you are not only a loser, but that you are also annoying and stupid. Dont advertise the fact!
12. Do you want any one to read your profile page? Then take a look at it again. Your attempts at being creative, are just a huge technicolour mess with a bad song in the background. Learn how to do it right before you try to get artsy!
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts

My Blog

calling all hardcore kids with ...

... a friend count of about 9000,who think its cool to start "trains" made of beautiul scene kids who spent more money last year on makeup/hair/new era caps than hardcore records, who think that by li...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 17:29:00 GMT

How typically British ...

Now, im as patriotic as the next man, well, hopefully not! Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry or a Turkis...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 16:48:00 GMT