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Laura Lynn

About Me

Well, I like to think that I am unique and a little crazy. Many can testify to my brutal honesty (sometimes more of a hinderance). I love my friends and my life, and always try to look on the positive side of things! I LOVE to go out and have fun all know who you are. I have a 3 year "puppy" that i adore, her name is Brandy. I also have a great passion for learning and expressing myself. I have a bunch of piercings and a few tats (guess where ;D), which with more $ will become a few more! I spend more time out of the house than in because I really enjoy being outdoors. I think that's enough crap to try to digest for the moment, and please, feel free to leave praise at your convienience!

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My Interests

I love to read and take pictures. I also like to paint and go on road trips with my girlies! I like to dance and sing. I try to go to concerts whenever possible, and I also go see a lot of plays. I love snowmobiling or four-wheeling, and now motercycling. I do a bit of fishing, and rollerblading, as well as try to go camping as often as i can, with a tent, not a prissy camper! I just love being active so there are more things I could add here, but I won't take up more of your time by going on and on and on.......

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an open mind and a free spirit, not to mention ANGELINA JOLIE!


Everything and anything. I dig all types of music, but I love Janis Joplin, Antigone Rising, and Letters to Cleo. I also dig The Cranberries, Bjork, Joan Jett and basically any female performers that like to rock! Don't get me wrong I also like male groups, but i think chicks relate to chick rockers a little better. Thanks to a friend (Keegan) I have also come to really like punk Irish music, thanks Keeg.


I am a huge movie buff and have a lot of dvd's. Some of my faves are Fight Club, Matrix, Indiana Jones (all of them!), Labrynth, Dark Crystal, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Pianist, Pirates of the Carribean, Count of Monte Cristo, Boondock Saints, Van Wilder, Scarface, all the Rockys, Carrie (best horror movie ever!) and anything with Angelina Jolie, Heath Ledger or Johnny Depp.Laura 's Random Movie Quote:

'You can never go too far.'

- Ferris Beuller, Ferris Beuller’s Day Off

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Don't usually watch it...except for Grey's Anatomy! I love that show. I know it's like a cheesy soap, but i can't get enough of Dr McDreamy! I also really like Family Guy, Stewie is hilarious, oh, and Will & Grace. I guess I watch it a little more than I thought! Free Myspace GraphicsFree Myspace Graphics


I read a lot so it's hard to mention a favorite, because I have so many. But I am particularly partial to Dan Brown, Gregory Maguire, Poe, JK Rowling (Harry Potter is great!), Virginia Henely, and Patricia Cornwall.


Anyone who stands up for themeselves and believes in their dreams. I really look up to people willing to do what needs to be done rather than what's easy. If we all went that extra mile the possabilities are limitless! Also, people who are honest and do what's right, not just what's easy, or going to get them to look good!

My Blog

7 Deadly Sins

Your Deadly Sins Lust: 40% Pride: 40% Sloth: 20% Envy: 0% Greed: 0% Gluttony: 0% Wrath: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go.How'>http://...
Posted by Laura Lynn on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:10:00 PST

I met Joan Jett! Be jealous!

Went to the state fair here in good ol' New York, to see the Joan Jett concert...twice. After the show me and my accomplices hung around backstage for like an hour, waiting for the chance to at least ...
Posted by Laura Lynn on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 12:15:00 PST

Mechanical Bull Riding!!!

sooooo, i finally went bullriding at smoking guns saloon last night, and had a blast! my poor inner thighs and right forarm are killing me though(from holding the rope) but it was great! i was half dr...
Posted by Laura Lynn on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 07:32:00 PST