Who indeeeeed....wellity, wellity....Daniel Craig would be a good start, followed up by Jamie foxx and Kanye West yummmmm, Liya Kebedee that girl is soooo beautiful, i absolutly love! Oh and Halle Berry, Gorgeous!! Freddie Ljungberg mmmmm Ronaldooooo, Thierry ahhh MY footballer loves! Philip II as it would make my life at the moment soo much easier haha! Sawyer!!! (need i say more) Stefano and Domencio to thank them immensley, they keep my wardrobe that extra bit special!! Ummmm the ultimates...Clarke Gable, Laurence Olivier for the old times sake...and Gene Kelly and Darcy Bussell, i grew up dancing with you!!!AHHH the things I love.....Dancing...First dates and Last dates...Music.. My Bestie's....Laughing soooo hard...Davis's prank phone calls.....Rosie after a night out...Long grass......Sunny days.....The smell outside after it rains....Eating......The beach......Clothes... Fashion...Stroud...Cheltenham park.....Vogue....Meeting new people...Clothes...My Mummy...My iPOD...LOVE...Drinks....Alana's house....Sunbathing...Kisses...Candles...Have i mentionned...Clothes??....Italia!...My cowboy boots......Sex and the city THE MOVIE....aaaand moving on to better people...better things.