dan profile picture


molly molly good golly miss molly

About Me

bit sweedish, bit geordy, cathoholic and got labelled as grunge. smoke too much apparantly?? bladdy lav music, whether it be trippity trance, or a lavly bita metal. all good really. i have the tendancy to make something more difficult than it origonally was, therefore rely on others quite alot, some more than others of course. basically it. gota mention anna mclintic. she is my first best friend who happens to be a gal! :) shes bit good!...well, bladdy awesome really, love her like she wouldnt believe.

My Interests

errrrrrrr gigs, playing gigs, partying, living in a house for the weekend with the band, thats pretty interesting, LAV IT! random long walks at stupid hours, sitting on a bench at a stupid hour, returning home at a stupid hour. writing songs is a larf! not many things interest me, i have to interprate something differently to make it interesting i guess.

I'd like to meet:

i would lke to meet that guy who can have like a million pegs on hs face, but id take all the springs out of the pegs so when i meet him and ask him to do it, the pegs will fall off his face and i will shout in peg mans face 'HA, you suck!' either that or jessica rabbit really, not quite sure.


well want that stereophonic/rod stewart voice! bring on the jd and fags! mwahaha..