♥MAYne_16 ♥ profile picture

♥MAYne_16 ♥

*05-16-05* a href=http://www.myhotcomments.c

About Me

............................................................ ABOUT ME SiMpLe!...nOt pLasTiK 2 nEoNe bUt cUd bE F u'Re bEiN oNe....DoNt LiKe pEepZ wHo TaLk cRaP BeHiNd MaH BaCk!! .. OtHeR pEoPLE mIgHT nOt lYk mE bUt I cUd LIvE wId dAt...I hAvE an oVeRpRotEcTiVe pArEnTs, buT deYr kEwL iN aWay...1 aNnOyIn bRoThEr WhO cAn'T GeT EnOugHh aTtEnTiOn...cUrReNtLy mIsSin' pHiLiPpInEs (dEm cUznS)..lOvEs mUh pAsAwAy na mga fRiEnDz nd olWeIz GoT dEyR bAcK wEn dEyR dOwN...nD aLsO fAmIlY oFcOuRsE!...i'm also friendly, smart {smart mah @$$} cute {4 shoo}, 100% fl!pnay { proud of it} and PaSaWaY ...can b kraz1e @ times, u"lL kNoW iF uHm iN a bAdtRiP if i jUsT sTaY QuIeT , u'Ll kNoW iF UhM hApPiE iF i gEt hYpEr oR Kr@z!3{err...}iEtHeR oNe wIlL dO!, dont like pple who gives a damn shizzle...,ez 2 get along wid...h8TiN' sKeWl sUmTimEs... oLwEiZ oN lAkwAtSa rYt AftEr SkEwL...nd hEaRiN serMoN wEn I gEt hOmE ...i'm A StRaIgHt fOrWaRd pErSoN wHo tElLs sTrAiGhT oUt wHaT I ThInK To CeRtaiN pEoPlE ...nd *~16~* ish back baby!!!....hehehe....PEACE!
HACKED BY FRIENDS CheRRy speakin' hurr!!!Sharmaine is reli a gemini!!! u'll c her so hapi nd hyper... den da nxt minute u'll c her.. nd u'll tink dat she's sad ol of a sudden...but i got used to it... (hope she won't kill me 4 dis...) bes is so0o nice... uhm not jus sayin' dis because she's muh bff but b'coz it's true.. she'll olweiz be muuh BFF!!!! so0o.. neweiz bein' lazy olredi.. so0o ima end it hurr!!take care bes!! luv yah olweiz!!!!!
Helluu, helluu. This is renny, hacking mayne's profile! ...and ish currently fixing her paige. hahha! [sorry na lang mayne kung may mga natanggal ako sa page mo. cuz i kno there's some things i kinda took out. _;], we're still contacting each other in any way possible. I still remember those funny days we spent together. Yung mga kalokohan na ginawa namin! lawl. i miss those days. those were the oldie crazy times ever since middle school. yeah. i misss those daayyys a LOT!
Well, that's all i can say for now. ;[ Later sharmaine! Hope to see yu soon. Oh & btw, expect a surprise visit...soon...next year...12 grade? lol! yeah. Latez. x3

My Interests

talkin' on da fone, chilin' w/mah frenz, myspace, and bein wid the one i love... ............................................................ . . . . . . . . .

I'd like to meet:



RnB, Rock, OPM......luvsongs


MyHotComments . .


Irwin Jed C. Maramba! Y? Because he lifts me up when i'm down. He puts a smile on my face all the time. He's the only one who understands my twisted mind! And because he completes me! That's what makes him my hero!..hehe..