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Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

About Me

Hi I've been a Massage Therapist for 7yrs. I specialize in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point therapy, Prenatal Massage, and Body Contouring Lypossage. Accupressure will soon be available! Interested clients please send me a message and I will respond back as soon as possible.I am a professonal there is nothing sexual done during the session!

My Interests

At the moment I only do outcalls


1 hour Swedish Massage $80

1 1/2 Swedish Massage $120

1 hour Deep Tissue $95

1 1/2 Deep Tissue $145


Done in 18 series over the course of 6 weeks each session last 30 mins

There are 3 zones:

Zone 1 (hips, butt, and thighs)

Zone 2 (waist, back, chest)

Zone 3 (face, neck, and shoulders)

1 Zone $1800

2 Zones $3400

All 3 Zones $5200 Recieve bodycare products FREE
($230 value)

Serious Inquires Please Email Me

I'd like to meet:

Benefits of Massage Therapy:Massage does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues(the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone.Although it largely affects those muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves.Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.Eases tension, stiffness, and pain. Improves breathing. Improves circulation. Enhances well-being.LYPOSSAGEWhat Lypossage does is cleanse the body of the stagnant lymphatic fluid that cause the lumps and bulges. The deeper strokes break up adhesions under the skin that contribute to the dimpled , uneven appearance of cellulite. Lypossage also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue. Lypossage is performed on the lower body including the buttocks, hips, thighs, abdomen, and the upper body including the chest back and arms. Reducing cellulite and even giving a firmer smoother appearance to thesaggy, creepy skin that belies aging. Lypossage will even create dramatic effects, giving a natural lift to the face and neck. Lypossage is a non-invasive and natural health treatment. Not only does it cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids, but most clients add that it enhances energy, mental clarity and overall wee-being. Treatments last from 30 minute to one hour ( depending on treatment area) and are performed in a series of 18 over the course of 6 weeks. It is important to note that noticeable results will occur after about 8 treatments. After that results can be contribute to dramatic. Lypossage may also be combined with contour wraps for more enhanced results. While results vary, cumulative dimension loss over 5 key measurement points averaged 6.75" in the original study. However , it is not uncommon for cumulative inch loss to be 11" or greater. Before the treatments begin, you will be weighed, measured and photographed and again at key intervals to track your progress.Although lypossage will help you to tone and reduced without the help of a diet or exercise program. most clients find that they are inspired to adopt new and healthy lifestyle changes. A diet rich in whole organic foods and regular body movement will contribute to a terrific outcome. Avoiding foods that contain hormones, preservative, and are processed and refined will allow you to keep your newly detoxified body in the best shape possible. Drinking copious amounts of water is key to keeping your body cleansed. We recommend that you follow an at-home body care regimen including aspecial treatment product to stimulate circulation in cellulite prone areas and a glycolic body lotion to improve skin texture and elasticity. A program of monthly maintenance treatments will help you retain your results. Schedule a private consultation for complete details and to find out if you are a good candidate for this unique, alternative contouring treatment.

My Blog

Research Studies on Massage Therapy by the Touch Research Institute

Click on the Link below to see the Research studies done on Massage Therapy by the Touch Research Institute
Posted by Massage Therapy on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 07:40:00 PST

***New Customers***

For all first time Myspace Customers  Recieve $10 off your first session! So what are you waiting? You work hard you deserve to relax and pamper yourself! Sign up Today!...
Posted by Massage Therapy on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:21:00 PST

**Massage Paries**

Massage Parties! You have all been invited to parties where you felt obligated to buy products that you have no intention of using.  And it can be quite boring sometimes to watch demos that do no...
Posted by Massage Therapy on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 09:14:00 PST