You can all check out my wesite! , and let m eknow what u think!what can i say!!!!! erm, you would probly have to really know me to understand me!! hehe, erm i am bungay high school and made some great friends there!! but not forgetting my best friends Claire of course and Cara!! I miss everyone at woodbridge but have such a great time at the moment!i love most music, especially Akon , Omarion etc erm i also like rock music too!! INME is the best band ever, but i like most things except classical stuff and really depressive music - why cant everyone just be happy?!?!i love horses, i have my perfect horse 'Cubby'!! who is lovelly and his girlfriend Ely who bit me the other day! My beautiful boy Sefton who s growin into such an amazin horse, hes not even a year yet but hes massive ( not looking forward to gettin on him for first time! hehe)I love my beautiful boyfriend ben (in my friends an many mapics)been together nearli two years and hes amazing!!erm, i dont know what else to say, i like everything girls do, mainly SHOPPING - and generally spending money(which isn't mine) , getting my nailsand hair done, like acyrlics!!!
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!