Thoes who live in PEACE with who they are and thoes with GOALS and Motivation!!!
Thoes who try to live in HARMONY,learn WISDOM,lead by EXAMPLE,lead with INTEGRITY and lead with LOVE. C'mon,a guy can dream can't he? The world is FKN crazy as it is and if too much hate can exist,why not too much love? Spread it if you can. I'm in process too.
MAKE LOVE NOT WAR!!!Motion City Soundtrack - It Had to Be You
1)sounds good to my ear. 2)what my friends recommend. 3)free stuff 4)Soapbox Soldier
a-Z? lol you have got some nerve!!!!
no square object with Antenna and tentacles! no time you dig?
101 Things you don't know About Science and No one Else Does Either,Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?Lucifer's Hammer,Eon,The invisible Man,Alas Babylon,Cryptonomicon.. you sure you want the complete list?