*K A Y E*im 19* LOVE IT.
*i live life to the fullest but i also know my limitations.*
*im not perfect but i TRY to be nice all the time.*
*no strings attached.*
*i love the people around me.my family and my friends.*
*i love talking,even nonsense.*
*i can be mature if needed for serious matters,but i can also be playful.*
*a coutch potato*
*coffee lover*
*a homebody.*
*i dont talk when im mad.*
*i super HATE math.*
*im shy and friendly.*
*i enjoy watching drama.*
*i love eating.*
*i enjoy biking.*
*i admire stars.*
*i cry easily*
*i love music.*
*i crave for chocolates, burger, and fries.*
*i HATE flying cockroaches.*
*i get easily irritated when hungry.*
*a day dreamer.*
*im amused by fireworks.*
*i value family and friends.*
*i love laughing at my mistakes*
*im confident and scared.*
*i cry my tears.*
*i walk on the eggshells and i walk on fire.*
*im terrified and excited.*
*im carefull and careless.*
*im optimistic and pesimistic*
*im broken and whole.*
*i believe on TRUE LOVE.*
*i smile on the outside, while im dying on the inside.*
*i wish on the stars.*
*i dream my dreams.*
*i am EVERYTHING and NOTHING all at once.*
*tears cleansses my heart*