dancing 2dmax and making fake music videos (lipsynch...toink!), havng fun oweyz w/ mah fwndz like watchng movies..going wild w/ d muzic..exploring 1derful places, tryng latest adventures and of corz..hunting cutiez!!..This page was edited using Toxxic.net - Profile Editor Toxxic.net MySpace Profile Editor
you, you and you! (^_^)
anythng that touches my soul!!
Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned
Matrix (trilogy), Harry Potter Series, Titanic, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, My Sassy GirL, The Classic, Moulin Rouge, Wicker PArk, and of course... What A GirL Wants.. i hav d same wants....& needs w/ Daphney n d muvi!!
anythng interesting! i love novels written by Sidney Sheldon nd Danielle Steel
Keanu Reeves, Ben Affleck, Orlando Bloom