LaurA profile picture


I'll update pictures soon, when I figure out how to do it!

About Me

Well, well, well, where to begin? I will soon be leaving my position at Prairie Athletic Club as a personal trainer to go do the same work somewhere else, and also out on my own, as head of my very own enterprise! Also, I am working on getting into the writing business, as I have a particular talent (and love) for writing. So, I'd like to do some freelancing and while I'm at it, possibly get certified as a Life Coach. Lots of possibilities right now! I did go to UW Whitewater (the horror...) and managed to graduate with a BA in Music. I wanted to do Music Education but after nearly dropping out of school entirely, I was talked into just getting my BA. After a series of bad dating decisions, I got together with my now fiance, Derek. He is the only man on the planet who has the capability to handle my neurotic personality quirks and high-maintenance lifestyle choices. No, seriously. He works for the Department of Enterprise Technology at the State of Wisconsin, in the help desk area. He's a total rock star! We share custody of our 2 year old Cocker Spaniel, Charlie, with my mom. Charlie is without a doubt, the cutest cocker spaniel in the whole wide world and he gets so excited when we tell him that his whole little body wiggles! We are absolutely, completely smitten with him, and he gets all the love in our house. Derek is a vocal bass, and I play the flute, so we are both music lovers. Our wedding is May 12, 2007 and we hope everyone can make it! It's going to be a beautiful day filled with lots of music and fun (and , of course). Visit our wedding website (and sign the guetbook): Oh, and I'm just a WEE bit obssesed with commercial aviation. See my AWESOME 747 landing at St. Maarten video below. I totally want to go there so I can stand on the beach and experience the roaring 747 just 15 feet above my head!

My Interests

Music, working out, playing my flute, fashion, beauty, reading, geography/geology, travel, loving our little puppy wuppums, figure skating

I'd like to meet:

My grandparents I never knew, Jessica Simpson so I can knock her upside the head with a cast iron skillet. Oh, and people I have lost touch with and maybe meet some new people who are weird, like me.Myspace For Girls Only -


Backstreet Boys (shut up! they have some damn cool music!), Jamiroquai, John Rutter (an English composer), Howard Shore/Lord of the Rings soundtracks, Barenaked Ladies, Jars of Clay, Styx, Kansas, Boston, The Cars, Oingo Boingo, classical music, wind ensemble music, drum corps, hold on while I check my Ipod so I can add to this list...


Lord of the Rings, Forget Paris, Ferris Bueller's Day Off We are devout Netflix members and we rent the hell out of all the WWII documentaries we can get our hands on, especially about the Nazis, the atomic bomb, and the last days of the war. Fascinating stuff!


CSI:MIAMI RULES!!!!!!!! David Caruso, I love you! I am completely OBSESSED with Grey's Anatomy right now! I also love Jericho which is on hiatus until spring WTF?!?!? Felicity (remember that show?), Law & Order: SVU, Ghost Whisperer, South Park (go Cows!), One Tree Hill, House Hunters, History Channel, Discovery Channel, TLC, Seinfeld, That 70's Show


Anne of Green Gables, Danielle Steele, anything by John Maxwell


Derek, who makes everything in my life great; Anne Shirley (of Anne of Green Gables fame) who I realize is a fictional character...but I have a lot in common with her anyway and my goal is to bring out those vibrant characteristics we share; the Sun Prairie EMT's who came so quickly the night of April 20th when I passed out and had a seizure in my driveway - they took wonderful care of me en route to Meriter. My dad. He was "magic" and could do anything.

My Blog

I'm too young for this

I drive through a residential area of Columbus, Wisconsin (aka Farmland far from civilization) and see a long, low, one storey building to my left.  It looks old and perhaps a bit run down, and d...
Posted by LaurA on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:18:00 PST


I miss my puppy.  He has been gone since last Friday and life is not the same without him.  He mae makes us laugh, he loves us no matter what, and it is such a joy to be his caretakers. ...
Posted by LaurA on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:55:00 PST

10 weird facts (are there any normal ones?)

If you have been tagged by me, read this: The rules are: - Once you have been tagged you can't be re-tagged.- You have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself.- A...
Posted by LaurA on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:55:00 PST

My website is finally up and running!  Please check it out: 
Posted by LaurA on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:36:00 PST

My website is finally up and running!  Please check it out: 
Posted by LaurA on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 11:37:00 PST

I lovelovelove my wedding attire

So I went veil shopping with my mom on Friday and (for a steep price) found a beautiful compliment of veils for my beautiful wedding gown.  Yes, veils, plural.  First there's the blusher, a ...
Posted by LaurA on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:51:00 PST

Being sick sucks

So I've spent the last 48 hours either lying on the living room/bathroom floor, in the recliner, or in bed.  Apparently my body was very unhappy about something because I woke up in the middle of...
Posted by LaurA on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:30:00 PST

Factoid of the day

For those of you who know me well and understand my tolerance (enjoyment, even) of bathroom humor, here is a neat little factoid I learned from Did you know that it is much easier to pee w...
Posted by LaurA on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 06:17:00 PST


So, May 12 is fast approaching and I am getting a wee bit freaked out.  All the big decisions were made a REALLY long time ago and now we're getting into the nitty gritty, and I'm not talking abo...
Posted by LaurA on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 11:17:00 PST

Keep on keepin' on

We've hit a bit of a stumbling block lately.  Turns out, Derek isn't going to be making as much money as we had counted on initially.  Somebody had a hissy fit and now he can't do any overti...
Posted by LaurA on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:55:00 PST