people that share the queen of arse's opinion of the queen of arse & of course queen of arse would love to meet the mighty david house.
tiga, siobhan donaghy, meat beat manifesto, frontline assembly, nitzer ebb.
queen of arse's top ten in this order:- 1. fight club 2. seven 3. airplane 4. robocop 5. weird science 6. black hawk down 7. silence of the lambs 8. mean girls 9. wildcats 10. indiana jones & the last crusade
queen of arse's top ten in this order:- 1. the shield 2. the west wing t.b.c.
chuck palahniuks 'survivor', 'choke', 'invisible monsters' & 'chemical pink' (by someone whos name i've forgotten).
queen of arse!