I've started working on photography and makeup again with Gavin and David. Check out some of my new work!
This is the stuff I did all of the Photography, Styling, Makeup, Hair, and Editing for myself, except that David is a Photoshop Wizard and I would be lost without him:
This is the stuff I did the Styling, Makeup, Hair, and Photo Editing on, but another Photographer took the pictures. Lemme Know if you LOVE them and I can hook you up with the Photographer if you want some of your own pictures taken:
"Welcome to my Web," said the Spider to the Fly...
"Even a stopped clock keeps the right time twice a day." -Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
I'm a sucker for bad puns. They are my favorite form of humor, the worse, the better. Sunday is my least favorite day of the week because one is the lonliest number that you ever did see, and someone left my cake out in the rain.
"What life is there for a half man outside this wire?" -Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS 1974.
Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
KC's Disease
Cause: unknown
Symptoms: extreme breast pain, mildly swollen appendix, vague loose teeth, overeating
Cure: fresh air
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:
Which Evil Criminal are You?
A Rum and Monkey crime.
Karen --
A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com