Devil in these skies profile picture

Devil in these skies

...and this guy Shame - I don't know him.

About Me

This profile was edited with Editor
My name is Ida.
I am in this alone.
This year I am an art student in Gothenburg City.
Coming years an International Politics Student in whatever city on the planet.
Other years I was just a vagabond. In the future as well. I am one of those who prefer the Highway.
I am also some kind of leader for some kind of very cool Choir.
But whatever person I am, I will always be the one singing.
Sometimes to the beats, sometimes to the piano, sometimes to nothing, sometimes to the sound of wet glass, sometimes to an orchestra, sometimes to what makes you shake.. your hands, your breath or your hips.
For the moment I'm having some kind of reunion with my old guitar.
I don't do genres.
I do what i need to throw out.
Take it or leave it where I drop it.
I paint a lot.
some of my VERY old works are to be viewed under My Pictures

My Interests


Member Since: 6/24/2006
Band Members: I am only me. And my laptop and whatever object I find with a beautiful sound.

On lo-fi songs uploaded for the moment, I play; Guitar, Piano, Ukulele, Laptop, Various types of glasses, water, jewelery, cello, Melodica, etc.

And of course I don't let anyone else do the vocals either.
Influences: katt och råtta
Sounds Like: exhibitionism
Type of Label: None

My Blog

I am back on myspace

I had a long break.from Music and Myspace.or mostly from Myspace. Music is always there but I needed to step down from the scene for a while.and sing only for my own sake, and only when I just could n...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 02:45:00 PST

Skankaloss and other news

on friday I will perform at my favourite festival in Sweden, Skankalossfestivalen!it is actually situated in the forgotten municipality where I grew up, and where I also hide this summer. although whe...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 03:59:00 PST

the return of the Gädda

Hi.I'm back.Did not have much time for DITG this spring. so many other projects fell over me.but in the end it drove me crazy, not having enough time for writing music. apparently for me, it is not PE...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Sun, 25 May 2008 06:42:00 PST


Old friends and new.The last couple of months have been extremely stressful for me. One could say that I've tried to combine 4,5 full time jobs in a single persons life.It didn't work out.Devil In The...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST

skaffar live-orkester.

jo jag har samlat ihop lite folk med riktiga instrument som ska hjälpa mig att jammaihop en trevlig liveshowså nu har jag tillgång till dragspel, fiol, sax, två trummisar, orgel, banjo, pedal steel gu...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:24:00 PST

DITG skriver musikal och driver Indiekör

För er som inte visste så är jag sedan årsskiftet ledare och initiativtagare till uppstartandet av GIK (Göterborgs IndieKör)det går sjukt bra, det som började som vilken annan som helst av mina daglig...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:01:00 PST

sooon everything will be new

oopsI didn't plan to, but in some way I ended up spending a whole week with dancing, drinking and going to concerts... friends that played, Justice played, and of course it was Gothenburg Film Festiva...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 10:44:00 PST

My voice is gone and don’t take those "new" songs too serious

I've lost my voicehope its just temporallyI'm not allowed to speak for a whileand maybe it will take weeks before I can sing againand I was to start the rehearsal with my choir next sunday, had to mak...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:20:00 PST

Work in progress!

YESTERDAYwas a good day. the first day in 2 months that I had some private time with my computer.I started to work on the first arrangements for my choir... I've started an alternative choir for myse...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:18:00 PST

Small Update

2 months and I have not been able to make a single new song.since I've been travelling. and christmas been a mess of family, friends and travelling in sweden, forgetting things all important things al...
Posted by Devil in these skies on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 06:47:00 PST