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Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is nev

About Me

almost everything that you need to know about me My actual name is charlene.its kind of unique like one of those names you can never find on a mug in a gift shop. in my opinion it sounds like an old lady name so i prefer char.(pronounced Shar)I am 16 and a sophomore at comp, 2010! generally i hate school.90% of the people there don't even know who i am. i am not that smart, and i really don't apply myself. i don't have a large amount of friends but i love the friends that i have. im not very outgoing but sometime im just a nut =]. i work at Mcdonalds. i actually like it there everyone is halarious. Six flags if my life. i've gotten a pass ever since i was tall enough. samm and rachel are the only ones who understand how amazing that place is. i am slightly musically challenged =.., and that is the best way i can describe it. i love driving around with no place to go listening to music obnoxiously loud =]especially with samm gena and krissy. I love love love the dugout(its an amazing food establishment) i play soccer, and i lve every minute of it. i've tried alot of sport and soccer is the only one i actaully stuck with. I get embarresses verrry easily. and my face WILL definatly turn bright red. i definatly say "im not gunna lie..." a lot. i tell A LOT of pointless stories about my day that leave you thinking "why did she have to tell that story" but thats why its a pointless story =]. coffee turns me into a crazzy person especially when i drink 5 cups passed dangerous. i love clothes and shopping, and i don't know anyone that doesn't. i hate making mistakes and i usually dwell on them. i like things to be perfect as impossible as that sounds. i love art. i consider myself average at drawing, but my sister samm is amazzzzing at it. i love tv. mostly food network,GameShowNetwork,family guy,antm,house,manvs.wil... i love cake competition and it makes me want to own my own cake shop =]. i'm scared about my future and i am not sure exactly what i want to be =[. im in love with this boy named john arvanitis =] he is my everything. i can't even express what he means to me. Classic Disney movies are the best thing ever. Favorite is a tie between lion king and aladdin. but i LOVE them all. i love walks in the spring when its not to hot. but i love the summer time mostly because there is no school. Hampton beach is the best beach forever. i used to go there all the time with my grandparents and that is mostly why im attached to it. My grandparent died when i was in sixth grade and it still feels like it happend last year. =[ i love them so incredibly much. rip. it doesn't take much for me to cry. im emotional. me and my sisters are pretty close. but the rest of my family.. not so much. i wanna succeed in life.i wanna make something of myself. i just wanna be happy. and now you know a little more about me =] ♥ John Arvanitis has my heart ♥. 11.12.07 i love you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


all different kinds.




i love t.v. america's next top model, project runway, etc.


Krissy have you ever met someone and your so much alike its scary. Krissy is one of the craziest,funnest person i've ever met. i can really be myself around her. we just became friends this year and i feel like i can trust her with anything. she's the kind of friend you can depend on being honest and know she's listening when i talk. im so glad we finally realized i didn't hate you and you didn't hate me lol!! yea i know im corny..
i love you. Rachel Rachel Rachel..
If moving away to college hasn't stopped our friendship nothing will. no matter how far you move away or if we don't talk for 1435 years we will still be best best best friends. your the kind of best friend that doen't mad over stupid things =] i love how we can be so immature and sit around laughing for hours about nothing. two words.. Six.. flags .. three more words.. dead mans party.
so i have this bestest friend since 1st grade..
it doesn't matter if i don't see her for like two years ill still consider her like my siser(cause she pretty much is we made it official)=] some people drift apart as they get older but that not the way we are. i still fell like i could tell her anything. i care about her so much, and i know no matter what we'll stay friends(and i don't mean like those stupid people that are like omg i hate you and are friends the next day but then are mad and dumb things like that) but like a BEST BEST FRIENDS kinda thing. I might not always hangout with her and i wish we would hangout more =[ but ill always be there for her no matter what!! Gena your amazing and i love you so much =] and yea i sound like a creep.. lol.♥