Rachel profile picture


A Jaded Optimist with a loose grasp on reality

About Me

I'm a gal who knows what she wants just not how to describe it let alone obtain it. I've had a little more than my fair share of life expearience. I'm rather jaded about most things, relationships formost, but I still have hope. Yeah I know its cheesie but someday in the distant future I wouldn't mind geting the whole pickettefence package.I'm a bit head strong and refuse to be comletely dominated I like things my way damn it but when need be I will compromise

My Interests

Acting, movies, dancing, art, design, poetry, shoes, people watching, religouse/inteligent debates, coffee houses, music, cooking, hanging out, shoes, kinks, fun

I'd like to meet:

People who have the copasity to be both pompuse self righteous "know it all's" as well as kind generouse and humble when the time is right.I want to meet people who are only slightly more or less insane then I claim to be so I dont drive them nuts and they dont drive me nuts.


Hailey Boner, Rivulettes, Ani DiFranco, Euklid, Eagles, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Johny Lang, Outkast, SirMixalot, Kenya Smith, Radiohead, etc. etc. etc.....


Dogma, TankGirl, Stealing beauty, Lost highway, Secretary, space ballls, history of the world part 1, Frida, Dracula, Bridgett Jones' Diary, O'Brother where art thou, Home for the hollidays, Dust till dawn basicly andy thing by Terrintino or Kevin Smith with the exception ofJay and Silent Bob strike back(fluf amusing but fluf)


Coke, Dragon Queen, Hitch hikers guid, Sleeping with the insane, White Oliander, Fear and Laothing in Las Vegas, Pride and Prejuduce, Tao of Pooh, Te Of Piglette etc....