I can't give you a solution to all of life's doubts or fears...But I can listen to you & together we can seek the answer. I can't change your past with all its heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories...But I can be there when you need me to care. Your decision in life are not mine to make...But I can only support you, encourage you, & help when you ask. I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you...But I can give you room to change, room to grow, & room to be yourself. I can't keep your heart from breaking & hurting...But I'll cry with you & help you pick up the pieces & put them back in place. I can't tell you who you are, I can only love you & be your friend
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: THe NaMe iS oaNH
Like your name?:: SuRe Do
Named after anyone?:: DouBT iT
Any nicknames?:: LiNDa
Age?:: 27
Birthdate?:: May 26, 1982...GeMiNi BaBy
Birthplace?:: PoMoNa, CaLiFoRNia
Time you were born?:: SoMeTiMe iN Da aFTeRNooN
Current location?:: GuLFPoRT, MiSSiSSiPPi
Height?:: 5' 2"
Like your height?:: WiSH i WaS a LiTTLe TaLLa
Eye color?:: BRoWN
Contacts/glasses?:: SoMeTiMeS
Hair color?:: BLaCK WiTH BlONDe HiGHLiGHTS
Natural hair color?:: BLaCK
Dye your hair often?:: SuRe Do
Righty or lefty?:: RiGHTy
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: a LiL BiT oF eVeRyTHiNG
Band or singer?:: aKoN
TV show?:: WReSTLiNG
Movie?:: 12 RouNDS
TV channel?:: DuNNo
Radio station?:: 107.1 & 94.5
Place to be?:: WiTH DoLPHiNS
Thing to do?:: SPeND TiMe WiT My BoyS
Food?:: PoRKCHoPS
Non alcoholic drink?:: MouNTaiN DeW
Alcoholic drink?:: aMoReTTo SouR
Animal?:: DoLPHiNS
Holiday?:: CHRiSTMaS
Season?:: SuMMeR
Sport?:: WReSTLiNG CouNT?
Place to shop?:: PLayBoy SToRe & ViCToRia SeCReT
Clothing brand?:: SaMe
Scent?:: PuRe SeDuCTioN
Restaurant?:: DuNNo
Fruit?:: GRaPeS
Vegetable?:: CoRN
Fast food restaurant?:: MC D'S
Pizza topping?:: PiNeaPPLe aND HaM
Ice cream flavor?:: MiNT ChoCoLaTe CHiP
Magazine?:: PeNTHouSe FoRuM
City?:: CoZuMeL (DoLPHiNS BaBy!)
Color?:: RoyaL BLue
Number?:: 6
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: VaNiLLa
Pepsi or coke?:: CoKe
Hot or cold?:: HoT
Black or white?:: WHiTe
Dog or cat?:: DoGGy
French toast or pancakes?:: ToaST
French fries or onion rings?:: FRieS
Hamburger or hot dog?:: BuRGeR
Pepperoni or sausage?:: SauSaGe
Britney or Christina?:: NeiTHeR
McDonalds or Burger King?:: MC D's
50 Cent or Eminem?:: EMiNeM
Canada or Mexico?:: MeXiCo
Hug or kiss?:: CuDDLe
Movies or TV?:: MoVieS
Truth or dare?:: TRuTH
Do you...
Shower daily?:: oF CouRSe
Sing in the shower?:: SoMeTiMeS
Like to sing?:: SoMeTiMeS
Like to dance?:: uHuH
Smoke?:: uNFoRTuNaTeLy
Drink?:: oCCaSioNaLLy
Cuss?:: uNFoRTuNaTeLy
Talk to yourself?:: SoMeTiMeS
Believe in yourself?:: MoST oF THe TiMe
Play an instrument?:: DoeS GuiTaR HeRo CouNT?
Go to school?:: uHuH
Go to college?:: SuRe Do
Have a job?:: yuP
Like your job?:: uHuH
Want to get married?:: DiD THaT... WiLL Do THaT aGaiN oNe Day
Want to have kids?:: aLReaDy Do... WouLD LoVe To HaVe a LiL GiRL
Get along with your parents?:: LoVe My PaReNTS
Get along with your siblings?:: LoVe My BiG BuBBa'S
Drive?:: oF CouRSe
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: SuRe Do
Think your funny?:: SoMeTiMeS
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: yuP
Gone garbage can tipping?:: NoPe
What are your parents names?:: CiNDy & ToM
Siblings names?:: DaViD & CHiNH
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: yuP
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: aT LeaST TWiCe a Day
Collect anything?:: DoLPHiNS
Ever been in love?:: MoRe THaN oNCe
In love right now?:: NoT aNyMoRe
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: PiNK SWeaTS
How does your hair look?:: SHoRT & STRaiGHT
Ever had your heartbroken?:: eVeRyTiMe
Ever broken the law?:: WHo HaSN'T
Been arrested?:: uNFoRTuNaTeLy
Been out of the country?:: yuP
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: NoPe
When was the last time you got drunk?:: CouPLe WeeKS aGo
Do you do drugs?:: NoPe
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: BeeN a FeW oF yeaRS
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: i gueSS oFF
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: BoXeRS
Do you like to laugh?:: WHo DoeSN'T
Ever had a bloody nose?:: WHeN i WaS 12
Have you ever caught a fish?:: yuP
What was the last thing you ate?:: GuMMi WoRMS
What time do you go to bed?:: WHeNeVeR i GeT eVeRyTHiNG i NeeD DoNe
What's your favorite color?:: BLue
Do you like to give or recieve?:: BoTH
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: DoLPHiNS
Do you live alone?:: NoPe
Do you own a blender?:: yuP
Do you like the snow?:: uHuH
Ever been up a mountain?:: yuP
Ever been rootin'?:: WHaT'S RooTiN?
Do you like surprises?:: oF CouRSe
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