Denzel Washington. profile picture

Denzel Washington.


About Me

MarleySmallsSF, pero que?
Doing it with class, because I got a big ass
Life's GREAT!!

Bitch, I know my super heroes

My Interests

Car Riding.Cheer.Gymnastics.School.Half Moon Bay.Taco Bell by the beach. Tortilla Chips.Skinny arms. Norcal.Underaged Drinking and Smoking. Procrastination.Anything with Zebra Print.My Sidekick3.Energy Drinks.Diet Snapple. Vegetarianism.Dancing.Jammin'.

The girls:
Adriana Jaime: my own little psychologist :]
"Analyze that shit!"
I can count on her to answer my calls 24/7, even just to wake her up for her to here, "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!"
Andrea: "Sis!" She texts me at 6am to complain about walking up early
Jenna: crazy ass, hilarious Jenna, that sums it up!

I'd like to meet:


Baby, baby

Proud Member of the Jaime-Martin Mercado Girls Sisterhood Cult
SUPER proud member of BTH


My OCD Psychopathic Serial Cereal Killer Sistah
She understands me and knows where I come from. We've been through hella shit together without really knowing it and in the end it only makes us who we are today and makes us grow stronger. I love her, mess with her and you mess with me


My dad is a loser dancer, but I love him

Anyone who puts up with my crap

My Papa

My Mama, sometimes

My Fraternal Twin Brother

The other one, Jew-hating, Oscar

My cutes

A kid named Art

Crystal Lemos Mendes because she's the only Portuguese I know that can dance banda!

RIP Wayne Green
RIP Michael Roberts

My Blog

2005-2007 g" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">..lbums/y218/norcent/triplets/IMG00177.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing...
Posted by Denzel Washington. on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:05:00 PST