Destructinator is a full throttle, entertaining heavy metal act from Salt Lake City Utah. The band is devoted to putting on the most exciting live performance possible. Founded in 2006, Destructinator has thrilled audiences in the Salt Lake, Provo, and Ogden area with a unique metal sound and a high energy stage presence. The band has also made several radio appearances. Destructinator has placed first in every competition they have entered except one.
Destructinator’s rhythm guitarist, Jamison Palmer, is a bear of a man, with ample amounts of flowing black hair. He is the lady killer of Destructinator and never ceases to “knock ‘em dead.â€
The band’s bass player, Dylan Lokey is the cute, cuddly member of the group. He is a total sweetheart and is not above purchasing chocolate and flowers for someone special. He appeals to heavy metal fans who “just wanna be held.â€
Lee Campana is the lead guitar-bot of Destructinator. He treats his instrument like one would likely handle a fine wine. He takes slow, gentle sips of it while at the same time allowing it to breathe.
Erik “Wyatt†O’Brien was spawned of an unholy union between an interdimensional space grub and several thousand unfortunate inhabitants of a backwater planet. He traveled the galaxy for many years before finally arriving on Earth to possess the lowly form of a human drummer.
Destructinator has recently recorded and mixed their first EP, the creatively titled Destructinator. The band’s goals for the future are to continue rocking audiences wherever they can and to bring the fun and excitement back to heavy metal.
Alternate Bio: We're here to rock the fuck out!