Venus, Exotica, Manuka Honey, Grapes, on and on and on foreverever&ever&ever&ever&ever fruits, food ~ all amazing cuisines for ever until time begins again* Massive thunderheads, and fictitious thunderstorms, NASA's Voayger 2 series of recordings for our sloar system & unspecifically our Sun's magnetisphere, Nasa channel ~ the 20th century accumulation of modern magic into the pantheon of science fiction & the 21st century actualization of the breeding human space frontier society, Tonto recording studio, bubble baths and ice baths, the Theramin & the electromagnetic relation of love & friction, Vincent Price, Oscar Fischenger, Jordan Belson, Kenneth Anger, Juan Cisnero, Keith Mathew Thorton, Analog Synthesizer Ensemble, Charles Gocher, Jon Appleton & Don Cherry's "Human Musix", Cromagnon's "Cave Rock", M/A/R/R/S {pump of the volume}, Bruce Haack, Louis & Bebe Barron, Eau Claire & Keenan high school among All black & proud marching bands especially those whom have lost many a compition to uphold & high step their style beliefs, {former profession:drum/percussion instructor will teach West African & Middle Eastern rythemz for $$$$$ have your droids consult our cybernetic children}, Solarplexis Myth Science Darkestreal Sunniest Raised, Mandlebrot fractals, Mike Tyson {outside ring}, Ananda M. Bosman, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, Uriel Unarius, Jack Parsons, video feedback worship, Black Walt Disney, Grandmaestro Flash, Stay High 149, MadSeen, Mirrors, 9 wonders of Earth, Edgar C. Cayce/ Atlantis & Ancient India vimana , astronomy & physics as the ultimate science ~ science as the omnipotent art form, peace to that clone who said "fuck off" for representing science, equilibrium & ambidexous & going "past the point of no return" in the threshold of pleasure, all aphrodesiatic food, clean clear water*work in eternal progress ~ brief metaphoric diagram for fractallick nature for life ~ light developmyths' exponetial curvature leadings up unto our known uncertain voiced future versus our known scientific depictions for time as a river which hath no pathway singularity AND human collective efforts to outsea a 4th dimentzion as a species~whole through attaining omnipotent keys to outerest meem~civilizations upon a given will as verse to undergoing immense light changing experiences* *