ITS Me....BI***ES! profile picture

ITS Me....BI***ES!

Everything Changes 4 a Reason!

About Me

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Which Greek God Are You?

My Result: Athena

Athena was the daughter of Zeus, and a great fighter. You're smart, sexy, sensible. You try to do what's right and enjoy the city.

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My Interests

Cooking, Working-Out, Eating Healthy, spending time with family

I'd like to meet:

God when he calls upon me to serve by his side! And YOU?


American and International artist: You need expand your mind and dont think only american artists can put you there, and you want good music to vibe to...listen to Jonas(Denmark), Burhan G(Denmark), Barteq Krolik(Poland), Sistars(Poland)...listen to the english recorded songs. You will be amazed. They have so much Soul and its beautiful...Don't Sleep on Them!


martial arts, action, comedy, drama, anything really!


News, Fraiser, Will & Grace, The 'L' Word


there isn't any particular one! I love to read!


My Moms...My Grammy...My Aunts...My Step-Father...and My Brother...My Heart, Michael!