Shidoshi Barry Kerr
I was born in the East end of Glasgow, son of Robert and Elizabeth Kerr. I stumbled into the world of martial arts at the age of six and from that point on followed a complex journey of martial arts and Buddhism. Coming from a household with an alcoholic abusive father I was fortunate enough to meet my shidoshi Senzo Yoshi Tanaka who would become my teacher, my father, friend and life.
My life story I am told by my sceptics out there reads like a movie script. Perhaps I should be insulted but this does not affect me as I have had to deal with far more criticism from far more influential people in the martial arts world than what has come up recently and have been accepted and honoured by both Chinese and Japanese counsels: not only for my conduct but also my abilities inside and outside of the ring and the Chinese underground circuit.
I have been fortunate to have more than one instructor over my years all of whom were friends with my Shidoshi and all other studies were performed with his consent and attendance. Unfortunately he is no longer with me as he passed away and I hope that in time I can have a student look to me as I did to him. Also my good friend and Hang Doe Pak is no longer with me.
Tiger & Dragon Martial Arts Academy
I started Tiger and Dragon Martial arts Academy about 5 years ago starting as just a Kickboxing Club then as business improved expanded to provide lessons in the subjects my students seemed eager to learn. As a result of my fight career I have had rather a lot of injuries, this did affect the Academy in the early years as I had to take time out. Nowadays I no longer fight and instead I concentrate all my time on setting the Academy up as a full time business. I advise my pupils individually as to the Arts I think they'd get most out of and haven't been wrong so far, as they have all been very loyal and hard working and continue to support the Academy
We are only able to offer a limited amount of classes at the moment until we find full time premises. However in the mean time feel free to correspond with me via the website and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Lohan kung fu. Red Sash. Studied under Shidoshi Senzo Yoshi Tanaka. Leading member of the Chinese Kung Fu Federation and Lohan council . Descendant of Chen Chow Founder and Hood Khar Pai.
Wing Chun Kung Fu. 5 th dan black sash studied under Senzo Yoshi Tanaka who studied with Sifu Zhang Li who studied from Wang Lihong who studied with Yip man School.
Bushido. 6 th dan Jukido Jujitsu, With Sensi Yimou wang Bin member of Japanese Jukido Jujitsu Council ( J.J.J.C )
Kendo, Iai Do 4 th dan also studied under Sensi Yimou Wang Bin and shidoshi Senzo Yoshi Tanaka. ( J.J.J.C )
Muay Thai . Studied with Master Hang Doe Pak, Thailand 's Muay Thai Champion (1991-1996) and owner/founder of Pak Muay Thai School in Bangkok . Member of the International Muay Thai Federation .
Kickboxing. Studied with Pedro Rochid from Lifestyle Gym formally Nomads , member of the International Kickboxing Association.