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I am here for Friends

My Interests


Rage Against the Machine, Sublime, Wu-Tang, Del, The Doors, Pennywise, Dre, Eminem, Coldplay, Niel Diamond, Classical Music, Cash, Elvis, Wilco


Braveheart, Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings, Boondock Saints, For a Few Dollars More, the Usual Suspects, Dogma, Ronin, Tombstone, The Last Samurai, Kill Bill, Theres something About Mary, The Big Lebowski, Hero, 12 Monkeys, Serenity, The Matrix, Once Upon A Time in the West, Sanjuro, Band of Brothers, The Da Vinci Code


Seinfeld, Chapelle's Show, South Park, The Daily Show, 24, Arrested Development, Lost, NCIS, Firefly, Ali G


The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Flatland, Common Sense, Animal Farm, 10 Things You Can't Say in America, The Art of War, The Prince, The Iliad, The Da Vinci Code