As far as a man goes, I am looking for someone that is open minded, and not just looking to explore his sexual fetishes. I hope I find someone one day that will love and cherish me like I am the one he has been looking for all his life. I have learned to be cautious, and have learned that wolves really do wear sheep's clothing. But I have also learned to not harden myself against meeting him. As for friends, A wise person once said to me that if You can count on one hand at the time of Your earthly death Your true friends then You are have been truly blessed in the life You have left. I can already do so, and I am so thankful for that gift that God has given me. Yet I always welcome friendship from those that have the spiritual lessons that I have had. Someone that truly knows compassion and can see past the physical and material illusions of life. And knows that knowledge is worth more then anything.