Nicci profile picture


♥Do or do not....there is no try.♥

About Me

*****I've recently deleted A LOT of people....let me just say this now....I am not a friend collector....I talk to people on my list(obviously unless they are a band or famous person etc)....if you add me and talk to me once, you will be deleted eventually. Nothing personal. Unless I just plain don't like you...then yes, it's personal. But get over's only myspace.*****
About me hmmm.... I'm cool. And nice. And I smell like cotton candy. :) Haha.
Ok seriously....I'm a 32 year old(UGH that sounds old) Special Makeup FX Artist living in sunny California!! :) Born and raised in Pennsylvania, though I don't care to see it again!!!!! Snow=BAD!!!!
I am EXTREMELY happily married to the most wonderful guy in the universe!!!!!!! :) (Married=FRIENDS and that's IT! K thanks.) I love you Matt!!! ♥
Other than that stuff....just ask....
Things that I simply CANNOT stand....
1. PETTY, CATTY women....or should I say GIRLS because they haven't grown up(This includes 90% of the girls I met while attending the Savini school).
2. BAD drivers. They put turn signals in your car for a reason.
3. People who act like they are in high school FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. You're lame, get over it.(Again...most people from Savini school)
5. BUGS. Especially ROACHES. EW.
6. Concert ticket prices.
7. People who try and shove their religion down your throat.(Note: That does NOT make people want to join your religion....duh)
8. Screaming, misbehaved children. Please don't bring them to restaurants if they are tired, cranky, SICK etc.
9. Soap operas. UGH.
10. COUNTRY MUSIC<~~~I would rather hear the scratching of a chalkboard.
11. CATS. I dig kittens...but not CATS. Hmmm.
12. Dentist visits.
13. Migraines.
14. Men who hit on me even though I'm MARRIED! Hello!
15. People who act like they are better/happier/smarter etc than you are....when deep down they KNOW they are miserable.
16. The stupid APPS that myspace has added. I do NOT want to own anyone as a pet, I don't want to know how much I'm worth, and I don't want a sticker....what are we....12???!! ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things I REALLY love...
1. My husband ♥
2. Trance and techno music.
3. Drama free people.(Are there more than the 10 I know? LOL)
4. Movies. (well except most chick flicks)
6. Finding seashells at the beach.
7. Feeling accomplished.
8. Bargain hunting. I will do this even if I hit the mega millions. :)
9. Laughing.
10. Haunted houses and Halloween!
11. Tattoos. (Good ones anyway)
12. My marriage. :)
13. Being unique.
14. Taking pictures.
15. Doing special FX kinda stuff.

My Interests

My wonderful husband is my WORLD!!!♥♥♥

****Special FX Makeup work is in the photos section!****

I'd like to meet:

I really wanna meet your Mom. Hahah!
Oh and Jimmy Pop! :)
Ohhhh and Vince Vaughn, Bruce Campbell, Bill Moseley....this list goes on and on actually.... Gijs, you are amazing....and your music is soooo relaxing and moving! :)
A NEW ONE!!!!!!!!! Gijs did Star Wars this time....
Oh and I wouldn't mind catching up with old friends that I've lost touch with over the years!!!!(And I stress FRIENDS....if we didn't get along then, chances are, we won't NOW. K thanks.) :)
I'm disappointed at how many people DON'T have a myspace page now....get with it people!!!!!!!! It's 2008!!! :)


I like pretty much all music EXCEPT COUNTRY!!! I don't like ANY country!!!!!
I love techno and 80's! :)
Some favorites are.....BLOODHOUND GANG♥, AFI, Mindless Self Indulgence, Project Pitchfork, Gwen Stefani(EXCEPT that freakin bananas song...what the hell were you THINKING Gwen???!!), Alkaline Trio, 30 Seconds To Mars, NIN, Billy Idol, Madonna(OLD Madonna....before she became LAME)....etc etc Oh Jimmy Pop how we love you. I like my coffee black, just like my metal!!!!!!! :)


STAR WARS! (I like Episode III the best♥), The Neverending Story(Noah Hathaway!!!!!!), Dodgeball, Wedding Crashers, ANYTHING with Vince Vaughn...he has yet to make a movie that I dislike, Evil Dead series, Nightmare On Elm Street series, Friday the 13th series, SAW(all of em), HELLRAISER, Halloween, House, Carrie, Christine, House Of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, Audition,American Psycho, The exorcist, Land Of The Dead, Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead(I LOVE the remake), 28 Days Later, Creepshow(silly and oldschool), From Dusk Till Dawn, Childs Play Series, Village Of The Damned, Poltergeist, The Thing, House Of Wax, Cujo, Pet Sematery, House On Haunted HIll, Aliens, Scream, Wishmaster, Texas Chainsaw Massacre(all of em), Resident Evil, The Grudge, Silence of The Lambs, Red Dragon, Dagon, Zombie(any Fulci movie), The Lost Boys(old school yesssss), Strangeland(odd but welldone), Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma(any Kevin Smith movie), Jackass(1 and 2 LMAO-love em)The Steve-O videos♥, CKY videos, Me Myself and Irene, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber(really ANY Jim Carrey movie), Shaun of The Dead, Mystery Science THeater, Cube(1, 2, and hypercube), Fight Club, American History X, Death To Smoochy, Napoleon Dynamite, Harry Potter series, Adventures in babysitting(OLD SCHOOL!)....WAY too many to list! I LOVE horror!!!!!!!! ....


Give me Nip/Tuck, Family Guy, some random crazy reality shows like "I Survived A Japanese Game Show" and some Roseanne reruns....and I'm just fine thanks. I HATE soap operas and crap like that. :) Roseanne Pot Smoking Scene


I enjoy Stephen King novels the most. :) Bruce Campbells books are awesome as well....and David Blaine's book. :)


♥♥♥My husband♥♥♥ The things he has had to deal with in his life have made him such a wonderful, caring, STRONG man. He means the absolute WORLD to me and I will always stand by him.

My Blog

A survey....

Maybe this will keep my mind off my tummy ache. Ewww. Who did you last shoot a dirty look at?Hmmm probably the idiot who almost side swiped us on the 8 the other day....LOOK BEFORE YOU CHANGE LANES PE...
Posted by Nicci on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 11:19:00 PST

Stuff that BUGS me....(PUBLIC blog for nosy people)

***Disclaimer: Don't bother reading this if you can't handle the fact that I am very blunt....and besides....this is MY blog, and I can say WHATEVER I want. ;) ***Stuff that bugs me....Why do most wom...
Posted by Nicci on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 11:56:00 PST

Hogan Heads survey.....

1.If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?Oh wow....hard one. Probably an 80's themed costume if I didn't feel like wearing gory makeup....or a zombie if I did. :)2...
Posted by Nicci on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 09:52:00 PST

Survey stolen from Dani.... ;)

Do you think your mature?When I need to be....sure.....but I like to let loose and be a goofy kid lots of times too. ;) "Seaweed feels like dead people." LOL. You had to be there.Have you kissed someb...
Posted by Nicci on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 09:13:00 PST

Survey sayyyyyyyyyys.........

01: Name two facts about the last person who texted you?~ She lives in FABULOUS Las Vegas and she used to be my roommate. :)02: Its 4 in the morning, and your phone goes off.....and?~ better...
Posted by Nicci on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 04:42:00 PST

Survey taken from Rachael... ;)

Do you have a facebook?No's more lame than myspace is BECOMING. Ugh the apps. How I hate them.What is one thing you miss about your past?Not much....maybe the carefree days of no
Posted by Nicci on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:37:00 PST