Accomplishing all my goals that I have set out and planned for my life. I just know what I want, sometimes I just don't know all the right steps to take. Then there's money and mo money. Then just chillen with tha homies and fam, kickin' it old skool. lol.
Non-stupid people. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.
I fucking love music! I would die without some jams.
JUNO!!! Friggin Super Bad!!! Napoleon Dynamite!!! And I don't know whatevers clever.
I don't own one of those demon contraptions, however I do get sucjed into it from time at random place.
Shit by Sherman Alexie amuses me to no end. I had this big thing for Animorphs as a kid, like I read the whole 60+ series kind of thing. Picture books. Whatever for Dummies.
You! You are my heroe! &&& Kat Williams cuz he's pimp.