Adeline profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

hmmm what should i describe myself here?I’m just an ordinary looking with ordinary background girl. If you find me more beautiful than standard, then I express my gratitude towards your compliment humbly. If you find me uglier than standard, it’s your eyes and I don’t intend to judge bad about your appearance if you don’t. One good advice: Mind Your Own Business. Peace, mates ^^Having spent my life thru three different countries, I’m blessed with adequate experiences in my life plus good close friends scatter especially in those areas though currently I’m discovered that some of them are living in different parts of this world such as machiko chan landed herself at Vancouver whilst Fusae Okasan remains in Sydney, and I myself currently working at Indonesia, Medan precisely. What I won’t give just to get another ‘little coffee threesome session’ again…True, lots of peeps claimed they know me, know my personality. Yet, only a few of them REALLY do. Borne under Scorpio Star Sign, I’m a typical Scorpio Girl. Check the characters out and you will find them describe near precisely about me. Read testimonials about me, and then please write one for me, cheers!Luv ya i'm a newbie at this site, so you guys maybe won't find enough information bout me. if you like, please check on my site: i need to confess since i'm always having bad/lousy relationships, this makes me a very nice excuse of staying at home after work, pigging in, have lots of takeaways, watch animes & movies at home, and sleep a lot, plus abandon my gym routines recently,AND avoid my distant i feel really bad about this....well, since i found out that i put 3kgs on my former weight (which is a BIG deal for people that have similar height as mine and bless with poor metabolism), i guess it's time for me to drag myself to the gym....-_-' coz i found out that i lose my confidence and try more and more avoid crowds if possible....-_-'

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

everyone that's nice and not-to-be-enemy of mine. as long as you're treat me nice, being nice, not intimidate, honest, then you're all welcome into my world. after all, what's the point of me joining cyber world if not to get know more people in this world?