From his soothing, soulful voice and jaw-dropping high notes to the grooving rock of his certified beats, Lee is an artist among artisans. Born on the Hawaiian Island of O’ahu, Lee’s early years were spent learning the smooth art of music from his father, a former military officer and long-time backup singer for the legendary Marvin Gaye.Upon leaving O’ahu for South Carolina, Lee landed a job as a store clerk on a local Army base where he met a part-time producer who quickly recognized the young recruit’s incredibel vocal chops and urban rhythms. After a few recording sessions, his first real endeavor into the music business, Lee began performing in local hip-hop clubs and concerts to packed crowds and a growing number of fans.Realizing his infancy and inexperience in the business, Lee moved to Seattle, attending the Art Institute of Seattle majoring in Audio Production. With a year of knowledge under his belt, Lee discovered that he was training to be on the wrong side of the mixing board, his dreams and aspirations were to be an artist, not the engineer.While continuing to write and record new material, Lee packed up and moved to Hollywood to attend the famed, Musicians Institute, where the schools Vocal Technology program helped to shape and perfect the skills the talented singer and artist.Lees debut self-titled album is due out in soon through LProductions and will be supported by a string of dates around the U.S. To hear a more in depth preview of his album, contact Lee through this myspace site, or listen to his songs in his profile. He will be rotating in songs off his album, every now and then. Thank You
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Valintines Day With Cover Model Lisa Fleming from MeYoshi Aoki on Vimeo .THE GREEK IN PORTLAND.....ONFIRE ENT.