Spending time with my family, friends, and learning how to be the BEST mommy I can be!
My uncle who died before I was born, and too many others to list.
Alternative, Rock, Rap, Country, 80s music....pretty much anything except old old country music and really heavy metal crap.
Urban Cowboy, The Banger Sisters, Road Trip, Waking Up In Reno, all the Austin Powers and National Lampoon's Vacation movies...the list goes on and on!
Desperate Housewives, The O.C., Big Brother, and of course FRIENDS re-runs...and Bryan got me hooked on One Tree Hill now.
Anything by Patricia Cornwell, Dean Koontz, James Patterson, and John Grisham....Yes, I'm a big nerd and I love to read.
My mom, dad, sister and Granny for all they have been through in their lives and still being the wonderful, loving, supportive people they are today.