Graphic design, photography, music, food, exercise, my bicycle, coffee and tea
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Ive been listening to a lot of metal lately, but I have a broad range of music i enjoy. In fact, its easier for me to state who I dont like rather than who I'm into. For starters, I despise Kanye West. Some of his music isn't all that bad but something really bugs me about people who think they are being held down by "the man." I also dislike country music from about '88-'94, most rap/hiphop/crunk and whatever other styles you want to call the same crap, and last but not least, almost all the shit you hear on the radio today. What a bunch of crap!
Seriously, what does this have to do with anything? Can you really tell much about a person that likes certain films? I love Half Baked. The movie is absolutely hilarious. I have never smoked ANYTHING in my life and never will. In fact, I can think of a few movies I enjoy that are based around drugs. Just a thought.
is for lazy fat Americans(actually, people in general)that have too much time on their hands. If all of you would exercise HALF as much as you sat your cellulite ass' on the couch there wouldn't be this epidemic of obesity spreading rampant through our nation. ...and please stop taking every word from the media as truth. They get paid to entertain you, not inform you.
are obsolete when you have the internet but when I do read it is usually a manual for something. Im not much of a book reader but im trying to change that. Those of you that know me and would like to recommend something you know I would enjoy, please do so.
are anyone that can stand up for themselves and do something different than the norm yet still be accepted as the norm.
No, im not talking about lifting your truck higher than the other guys at the motocross track, im talking about being able to open your mind and think for yourself. Make your conclusions on what you think is right and make them because you want to, not because you think everyone else will idolize you for them. Anyone who can say they have done this throughout their life is my hero.