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I am a huge people person. I love meeting new and different people. They are the ones to make the world go round
Music-ANYTHING except country. country is an invitation to your funeral
I love scarey movies, you know the ones that make you jump-ya those kinds. They are awesome.
I don't really watch TV much, except when CSI is on or some interesting movie Jarod is making me watch.
starting a new career in book reading...
This is a very sensitive subject for me. My number one hero is my father, Tim Bolling. He passed away December 27, 2005 after a very long illness. He got diagnosed in 97 with a brain tumor and had 6-8 years to go on. In March of 2005 was his 8th year. Everyone in our family was very happy to still see my Dad still "kickin" it. Then came the downfall. In December my mom, my brother, and I took him to the hospital and they found two tumors that was growing. Treatment would not do any good. We brought him back home to only have him here as he passed on. My father was one hell of a man. He never missed one of my games, dr's appt.'s, and was at the door to meet every guy to take me one a first date. To have a guy like that as a hero, to show me to never give up is the most inspiration I could ever need. I miss you so much Daddy. And to all everyones question, yes, I was and still am Daddy's girl