I like sports, listening to music,talking with friends, and going to churchTake the quiz:
How well do you know baseball
Your an expert
Congratualtions you know everything there is ablout baseball from the rules to the most famous players you are an all-out baseball fanatic.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
anybody who loves god, almost any sports star, and my grandpa who died when I was 5.also i've met chris hale who's played in 4 superbowls and i've met ivory sully who's won a superbowl
almost anything that's not dirty so don't try to make me listen to it
all sports movies, especially remember the titans, eight below, anchorman, the last samurai, the gladiator, deep blue sea, the patriot, and almost any other action movie
Pis forProgressive
His forHappy
Iis forImportant
Lis forLoving
Iis forIntense
Pis forPleasant
What Does Your Name Mean?
I like HEROES, smallville, prison break, supernatural, ncis, csi, and boy meets world
the harry potter series, the lord of the rings series, and the count of monte cristo
Jesus, my dad, my grandparents, and my friend bud