Movies Music People Just about anything that sounds interesting!
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Atmosphere, Thrice,Say Anything,Postal Service, 80's music, pretty much anything!!
Neverending Story,Goonies,Anything Horror, Stranger the Fiction,Disney movies, Party Mosnter,Crash,Learnign Curve,Untied States of Leland,Vericona Gurien,Crazy Lips,Suicide Club,Lighting Bug,Life as a House,Usual Suspects,Mood Swingers,Heathers,Big trouble little China,The War,Walk the Line, theres a ton
Nip Tuck, Tales from the Crypt, Simpsons,Thats 70's Show,Tripping the rift, Home Movies, Robot Chicken, Aqua teen hunger force, Moral Orel,Entourage,Six feet under,Absoulty Fabulous
love reading, memoirs and such