heather. profile picture


clouds are expressions of the atmosphere's moods

About Me

About me:

My name is Heather , I am older than most people care to believe and I care to be. Destroying the conventions of creative writing is what I am particularly poor at. I live with a unique darling of a cat called Jam and a wonderful Steven-chops .
Supergrass. Joy Division . Brendan Benson. Yann Tiersen . The Raconteurs. Fréhel. Bikini Kill. Screaming Tea Party. Coconut Records. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Kylie Minogue. Big Country. Ida Maria. Neutral Milk Hotel. David Bowie. The Smiths. Patrick Wolf. Gotye. The Go! Team. Jeffrey Lewis. Joe Jackson. Envelopes. Sergei Prokofiev. Soulwax.
Films I like:
The Science of Sleep . Control. Vertigo. Rear Window . Amelie . Werckmeister Harmonies. The Great Escape. The Lives of Others. Vivre sa vie. The Life of Brian. Dr Strangelove. A Streetcar Named Desire. Breathless. The Third Man.

"Pleasures and wayward distraction, is this my wonderful prize?"
22 years old
Dundee / Darlington

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Passing the time:

RADIO!. drinking tea. collecting records. Jam hide and seek . making cakes when it is dark (and light). taking photographs . watching the sea. flying kites. realising some heroes are worth idolising, whilst others are not. exploring new places, especially in a VW camper van. snow . making amazing colourful things out of many different types of paper. painting bird houses. Christmas time. Deep Sea World. marbles. thoughts . Steven . propping up my guitar in a dusty corner. dresses. biting my fingernails. teapots no longer on strings. Heather and Steven's (redundant) Radio Show! . politics. sitting in the shower. speaking French. vegetable patches. constraining the inner tomboy. I enjoy reading books that provoke tears apparently inexplicably. Books containing pictures of clouds and men with dogs wearing striper jumpers are the exception.

My Blog

Jam on my knee.

I give up on home.Apart from seeing my friends this weekend (which was excellent), I am so bored at home that I feel I won't be back for a long long time. Not only do I get woken up at 7.30am every mo...
Posted by heather. on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:20:00 PST

Adverse Conditions.

Wave 102 radio guys have moved their newsdesk to Edinburgh, therefore my work experience at a commercial station, essential for my postgrad application is down the swanny so to speak. I think maybe a ...
Posted by heather. on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 07:37:00 PST

Bloggy Blog.

The time has come for a new blog. It isn't nearly finished yet, but it'll get there just as soon as I get the internet in my new flat.http://heatherminto.wordpress.com/Cheerio!
Posted by heather. on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:15:00 PST

I need a pickup and I don’t mean truck.

I almost couldn't be bothered to write tonight. But, I got the happy and fun job that I so desired, although it doesn't start for another month so poverty until then.I just had to write to put up a li...
Posted by heather. on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 07:26:00 PST

Lost At Sea.

Hello. Shortly (when I have figured out how to use CSS like a pro), I will be starting a proper blog site with all updated info about life trying to make it as a writer/rockstar on Wordpress. Therefor...
Posted by heather. on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:05:00 PST

Long John Silver.

I've been away down south, back at home and now I've returned to the real world I wish I was in dreamy land sunbathing and reading Captain Correlli's Mandolin again. Such a marvellous book, I was laug...
Posted by heather. on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 04:07:00 PST


This Thursday I will be:1) Getting up early to greet my papa in town2) Buying a lovely vintage pleated skirt I saw in Oxfam today and have regretted leaving behind - and perhapas a green clutch.3) Mak...
Posted by heather. on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 04:03:00 PST


Hello,I'm not feeling so good today, just a mild chesty coughy infection tyoe of nonsense, but I believe it has contaminated me with idle disease, as I really can't be bothered to do anything. Then ag...
Posted by heather. on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 03:28:00 PST

Trying Not to Think About Time.

Gosh, this week has been busy.I have mostly been interviewing bands, watching gigs and writing reviews. It all started in Edinburgh with a lovely evening with Edward and an amusing but kind (whisky sh...
Posted by heather. on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:50:00 PST

Rants In My Pants.

I feel an angry rant coming on..Today, I finally checked my post in my flat to find I had a final demand from the debt collection agency for Dundee City Council. This made me extremely angry because: ...
Posted by heather. on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:13:00 PST