COSMIC BLACKSMITH the resonant seed profile picture

COSMIC BLACKSMITH the resonant seed

About Me


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Well.....I'm one of the vocal performers for the group The Luminous Mirror, and Co-founder of HMS Recordings.I am almost finished with my screenplay entitled Journals of the Protaganist, which is a comedy. I am also currently Co-writing a screenplay called Psychlotrons, and one called Seer of the Open Eye, which are sci-fi. we are getting ready to distribute our new ep diversiform miscreant, and our album is in the works, we are calling this new genre graphic cinematic. We will be going on tour in 09, starting by the mexico border at telemagica, and ending in seattle at be bop records. My other passions include photography, and video editing. If you would like to set up a photo shoot, hit me up! Here are some of my lyrics, and photos to enjoy. what up k-ying and what up to the hommie bax. and R.I.P. MC VOMIT we miss you! also i would like to add, that for me performing on stage is a holy ritual, that increases my understanding of myself, my surroundings, and the thing-no-thing, that's why i must do it, not for the money or fame. My beautiful and kind-hearted girlfriend is Heather, i love her very much and have been together for 7 years. We love to meet people and make new friends! If anyone is interested in renting out the Cultural Arts Center: The Pharaohs Den for private rehearsals, film shoots, dark room/photography or any other artistic endeavor that needs private space, please contact me through myspace or contacting Juan at 951-683-5627 HMS STUDIO NUMBER. The building has no sound ordinance and can be utilized at any time of the day or night if there isn't already something booked for that time.The Pharaohs Den is located at 3579 University Avenue, Riverside CA. If you have any interest in renting out the studio for private use, please contact us. We are also having a multi media art event that is coming up on April 5th. If any artist would like to display their work, get in touch with us. ............................................................ ............................ Let me attempt to explain the hypersition of the modern condition, As man steadily metricizes, he steals the holy, he simonizes, human relics, as he victimizes, DNA, replacing genodata with hydro-electric binary apparata, lISTEN to the mesmeric heritic transform man to the cyborg bionic, Do not taint the xenogenetic with the anorganic, the result would entail systematic destruction on a level catyclismic, All survivoirs are afflicted with symptoms neurotripsick, reconstructing our hereditary codes, the time-transducers pass through temporal friction zones, To see if the Zygodemons can, finaly cryogize man, with a hex to make homo-erectus unisex, sent on flunkies, microwave contaminated monkies, sent to destroy along ancestoral boundries, atomotons and clones surround me, this is the eve of the non-human sub-genus, using the poly-rythm of electro-vamprism against the sub-genius, attacking the protohemisheric brain-root with a retro-virus, as the aftermathmatician remains unbiased, he studies necronomics, in an attempt to solve the pre-existing implex, by re-calibrating your nerve couple reflex, implanted in your central nervous system, remaining ever-present in your feild of vision, expanding your calculatory capacity geometricly. It's a fine line between genius and INSANITY, All systems chromozonal or hydro-electric must be prepared for me to inspect it, Seeking those who refuse to abide by autocratic law, Purging the demographic of any flaw, Rearranging any undesireable double-helix, with the new breed DNA remix, my manner of rule is despotic, Drawing power from the artificial and robotic, scenerios unfold diabolic and demonic, the future remains hermeticly sealed, the secret's not to be revealed, but still, How many trillions of organisms have i killed? I sleep the sleep of the blessed, i need no teflon vest to protect me from the organic pest, i rip open your rat's nest, with titainium teeth, burning magneisum claws extend from my tramppling feet, you are beneath,I'm the phosphorus breathing techno-beast, immiting waves of heat, with no sunlight 99% of life dies tonight, except for systems of artificial intelligence, that are able to addapt to new enviorments,in an attempt to predict and circumvent any such possible events that would lead to the resurgance of biological governments, my body is made out of kevlar, Swinging a NUCLEAR schimitar, My anger is seething, as i can hear you breathing, bleeding, breeding,soon i will be SPRINGING, no one will be laughing or singing, when i drop the NEUTRON bomb, From now on, all the people are gone, and in their place stand machines, that spew smoke and steam.....NEW BREED IN EVILUTION .. and

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people often ask me , what do you guys do up at Pharaohs den and HMS Studios? UNCASSIFIED SERVICES, we offer nerve-stemulation through faithtrapicide intervention, we also provide, soulitarianism: an alternitive to ethnodiversion division-conversion. plus, hypomedical injunctions and hypnoaccelleration atricion instruction, so you can go on one long omniverseacation and achieve internal mindronacon destruction. learn intuivision sensor opperation, windomain creations, and sunsong vibration. speak with pharaohs, through programatonistic taraot, and proform psuedointellidroid voids. paranoid? try our monotillianation reversals, block deatheistic evangelical commercials and unwanted lame-shows like graven idol. but it's vital to give concentration and dedication to the den, as donation. don't stray into the ultraculture vampiric section, they seek to steal your extraoccular secretions for snow cones to be devoured by virtue-reality yes-men clones. ..The medicine almanac is a holy BOOK indeed, don't let others copy it in greed, I weave with ease, metaphoricly a metaphysical prophecy, Reality is suspended by silky webbery, in my attic of abilities, where sanctimoniously, i burn my trees, with the sages, that awakened me with telepathic pages, I easily detect any evil presence, that leaves it's ressonance, i must have no hesitance, that might constitute the apearance of imprudence,My mind meditates, and awaits spiritual improvements,AS long as the mountains keep still above the joyous lake, I will meditate at the creative heaven's gate, Do not, my friend, condacend to the gentle wind, lest the arousing thunder, send the lightning forth to singe your skin, from skull to shin, then jump to the receptive earth again, into the abbysal waters you decend, The monk remains untouched by fear, Evil eyes reflect off my psionic sphere, there is no savior or salvation, only karma and reincarnation, i have apreciation for my obligation in every creation, as a man and a soldier, i carry the weight of a boulder, enlightenment strikes minds like lightning at night, elightening suddenly through thundering mics, I awaken my awareness to what can't be explained but is obvious, I sense the power i posses, yes, and yet when i move, i remain motionless, the imperfect seek the constant, because they know they are inperminant nonsense, one word of sense is worth a thousand seneless, so why ramble on, relentlessly repentless? I am invisable for the eye to find, like deep insight from the primal mind, my ememies are aprehended, for there is nowhere they can be hidden, Incorruptable, immaculate, I need my craft so i practice it, Crushing my foes with thought alone, i dispose of those by exposing bone, it's impossible for me not to create, my ideas constantly deciminate, never to be enclosed or obstructed, the boundries of the universe were never constructed, I rise from the pollution, surrounded by phantoms and illusion, immortal, i hold the key to extinction and renewal, i drink my fuel, my cup overflows with abbominations, and the filth of fornications, as i sit in my office of offensiveness, and guzzle gallons of gratuitous gruesomeness, I attack the idiot with the sword of knowledge, in an instant the ignorant get ostricized and abolished, the the thoughtful never die, they live on steady, while the thoughtless are long dead already, serenity and security can not by bought from and insurance company, the wise path is the best insurance policy, honesty, you are your own worst enemy, bitter fruits you reap seasonaly, there is no way to contridict me , for i exist in multiplicity, For the fool pride and desire increase, while all worldly thoughts i release, the strength of my mind is my army, there is no way to disarm me, i am that which can't be attacked, my mind from this world is detached, I'm divining, water as a means of surviving, the affect of causational thinking becomes negligible, my voodoo powers are inpregnable, I must develop a thermal sense, that sees heat signatures in the past tense, and ecolocation chirps for indications of surroundings, my powers are abounding, astounding, with infinite range i travel spontaniously through the galaxy, as minds weaker than me are activly seeking an epiphany, it's an exercize in futility, to discern the acstetic, it becomes increasingly hectic to the heritic, through carbon dating, we've found we've been milinieums waitng, for bruhos, to tell us tales of power, under a desert meteor shower, Druids, Tibetian lammas, and indian medicine men, saints drunk with jesus prayin, lobotomized youth in the feild playin, assimilated, castrated, ask the white buffalo woman, to take you into the womb again, with lakota holy men, to learn commumication on a level sub-atomic, to relate to any jew, christian, or islamic, MEDICINE ALMANAC ......spelling is a matter of taste.

My Blog


Posted by on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 23:16:00 GMT