Ben profile picture


When there's biscuits in the tin. Where's the fun in biscuits?

About Me

Well what can i say... dont know really... The names Ben, i've had the nickname Neb since i was about 8. Strangely enough some people dont realise its Ben backwards?! Still not 100% sure on how i got that name but i think when i was about 3 i used to spell my name backwards. Haha.Anyway, I left school back in July and i'm currently looking for a job, I am not a bum just 'unemployed!' for the time being anyway.I used to be a keen and enthusiastic drummer i still have most of my 2 kits but i just dont play tme anymore. I just lost the enjoyment i used to get out of it, I still like drums and drumming but just not as much anymore. Also I needed some extra money at the time so i sold some of sold some stuff. I started when i was about 13, coming up 14 and was mad on them for years to come, i tought myself and improved pretty quickly if i dont say so myself. I suppose it is quite sad that i don't play them anymore and i was seriously thinking about selling the lot but my family pretty much blocked me from doing so. I suppose there a good thing to have, even if there not used.My main passion in life and one i have always been into from as far back as i can remember is football. I don't want to sound like 90% of the blokes in the UK but i do really love the game and everything that goes with it. I currently play for Somersham Town Res after joining them in October this year and i'm loving it were pushing for promotion this season and it's going well so far.During the time i was out of football i got myself in a band with 3 (at the time) worthless individuals! But i suppose there was some talent there. They needed some guidance and a bright light like me to shine their path along the grueling, windy road that is the music industry. These young punks go by the names of Phillip Hampton, Stewart Bailey and Andrew Coombs. I have to say that we were a damn hot 'n' sexy fourpeice but i felt like my work with them was done and i had to get back into what i enjoy most which is footay!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Sport, Drums and Drumming, Surfing, Snowboarding (really want to do that), The paranormal, space all stuff like that. Psychology, fate and all things like that.

I'd like to meet:

Nelson Mandela, Ronaldinho, Juninho Pernambucano, Will Ferrel, Jim Carrey, Jack Dee, Jimmy Carr.


At the drive-in, The Mars Volta, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Incubus, Jack Johnson, Razorlight, Jamiroquai, Kaiser Cheifs, Kooks, Fenix TX, Oasis, Damien Rice, Lostprophets, Joe Satriani, Bob Marley, Damien Marley (Brother's influence, if you see him you'll see why)


Old School, .. width="425" height="350" .. Dumb & Dumber, Fight Club, The Shawshank Redemption, Donnie Darko, The Rock, Baseketball, Forest Gump, Anger Management, Saving Private Ryan, The Anchorman..... width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Lost, Match of the Day, Men Behaving Badly, Family Guy, Frasier, Everybody Loves Raymond, South Park .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


I'm not much of a reader to be honest.