Hey everybody, first i wanna say thank you for visiting my page. I am a singer/ songwriter. I do all the different genres of music, not only because I want to reach different people but also because I love all kinds of music, which reflects on my personality. I have been recording since i was 15 and writing poetry since i was like 9 years old. I have done many shows, from clubs to churches and malls. I performed in Time Square in New york city October 1, 2006 for the Nigerian day parade. I was featured front page on the Virginia Pilot, It was a 2 page article and also in the beacon. I opened up for Scream Tour 5 thanks to the support of my friend, family, church , and everybody who listened to me sing on the radio and belived in me and voted.I am also a show host on the rising teen show, Teen News Now, I am the co-host and producer for E-pod which is the entertainment segment on the show. So I am definitely intrested in meeting new artists, local and national, to be featured on the segment. So make sure ya'll tune in on saturday nights at 10:00pm on CW27.Remember live everyday like it's your last. Love God. Love You.MUSIC MOVEMENT ~MOVE WIT US
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