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Triple A

All that bullshit you kick, playa hatin from the sideline... get your own shit, why you ridin mine?

About Me

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I'm Amanda

[ worthy of love ]

I start cos. in January. I love coffee, movies, pictures, roller blades, starry skies, zip ups,
road trips, dancing, music, betsey johnson, + turkish silvers.
I can't bare spiders, double standards, I hate being a waitress && i know, you wanna pinch my cheeks.

"You see I don't, I don't work with any exact boundaries of the law because I wasn't consulted when the god damn laws were made. No, instead nameless, faceless politicians, the so called protectors of the moral majority decide what is right and what is wrong. I mean come on. I govern my life around my own personal code of ethics, and I suggest that you do the same. That way if, within the constructs of my own morality, I were to do something that is considered illegal, so be it. I feel no guilt whatsoever and furthermore, if I were to buckle under the social weight of the system by adhering to laws that I do not truly believe in then I would be extinguishing the very fire of patriotism and individuality."

I need a vacation.
uhmanduh 444
Clerks ll: One Ring

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Believe the sound when the truth will send you falling
You see the lights but your mind isn't open
Now I hear you calling
We've made a few mistakes, it's not worth it to say
(we all fall for the sound)



I've learned that you can't treat

every situation as a

'life-and-death' matter,
because you'll die a lot of times.

_Van Wilder
Write that down...
to name a few-
kill bill, empire records, tombstone, stranger than fiction, dazed and confused, romeo + juliet, detriot rock city (of course), pulp fiction, pirates of the caribbean, harry potter, little monsters, SAW... hmm movies3


Timmy. rip cuz o.
I carry your heart with me,
I carry it in my heart,
I am never without it, anywhere I go- you go, my dear.


anyone with their head on straight, and can still have a good time.

ive never met anyone like this girl. she's everything i want and need in a best friend, she's my baby! i love her more than life + miss her everyday. (come home!!)

My Blog

a tip for you cheap asses out there..

ATTENTION RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES/ANYBODY WHO EATS OUT IN RESTURANTSThe next time you're out eating at a resturant, look at your server. Do you think they are really happy to be doing that job? BUT, it i...
Posted by Triple A on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 01:03:00 PST