The Kiminator!! profile picture

The Kiminator!!

My god, it's AMAZING!

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorTo view art by me..go to: As of now (5/18/08): I'm going to school at The Art Institute of Seattle (graduate the end of the year). I'm an animation student, but sadly my interest is waning. I still love to draw...I fancy illustration much more. I'm engaged to a wonderful man, name of Matthew English..the love of my life. We have an apartment in good ol' Federal Way of Washington with three very adorable little puffy kitties (one not so puffy)...Cloe and Domino and Glover. We're all very happy and content in our little sun drenched mountain view home! :) Have I mentioned I really like our apartment, well yeah...I really like it. I was an animation intern for a few months and got bored of the work...I'm not a huge fan of the game industry and hope to find something in the traditional arts realm - illustration or teaching. Now I'm the main grounds keeper at the museum and I do little odds and ends for security and VS. I also work with Matt which is AWESOME. I know when I'm older I'll look back on these days as some of the most happy and care free. I'm also having fun planning for my wedding...which we'll be having August of 2009. "VAGINA." According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:
Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!

My Interests

painting, watercolor, acrylic, gouache, drawing, orchids, plants, horticulture, comics, Brain Age Sudoku, DS, Nintendo, wasting time, sleeping, watching tv, cartoons, movies, 2D Animation, music, reading, my car, the beach, cool sunny days, art, my job, tattoo art, my close friends, animals/creatures, doing touristy things in my home town

I'd like to meet:

I'm really diggin' on the bots right now. I really enjoy my heart felt converstations with them about my opinion on headphones, computer programs and restaurants.


A very ecclectic assortment: The Anniversary, Fiona Apple, The Beatles, Beethoven, Beck, Johnny Cash, CCR, Death By Stereo, Deftones, Ella Fitzgerald, Garbage, Jimi Hendrix, Billie Holiday, Jefferson Airplane, Le Tigre, Led Zepplin, Modest Mouse, MonFrere, Muckafurgason, Nirvana, OhGR, Omni, Pain, The Pixies, The Prodogy, The Ramones, Schoolyard Heroes, Sleater-Kinney, Smashing Pumpkins, The Tenacious D, Violent Femmes, Weezer, The White Stripes, White Zombie, The Who, Hank Williams, Zebrahead.


The "artistic" (weird) films: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, American Beauty, Sin City, Fight Club, Garden State, Unbreakable, Nacho Libre, The Big Lebowski, No Country For Old Men, Raising Arizona, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and The Graduate, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I also love dorky comedies: Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Spaceballs, Little Shop of Horrors, Galaxy Quest, Tommy Boy, The Jerk, Matchmaker..the list goes on and on. I love all the big trilogy type movies as well: Matrix, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones..and a few of the Star Trek movies...especially II: Wrath of KHAN!!!!!! yes, I'm a big geeky dork!! :) I also have an enormous collection of all the non-sequal animated Disney well as a wide collection of Disney cartoons and shows from the 50's and 60's. I'm a huge fan of the Disney legacy and that's all I'm going to say about that.


I'm a huge animation nerd, so anything cartoon: Ren and Stimpy, The Oblongs, Simpsons, South Park, Yay for Venture Brothers, Futurama, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021...and any high quality indi stuff I come across. Anyway, I also love Firefly, Angel, The Twilight Zone (the original), Star Trek TNG, DS9 and the original series, because I'm a huge nerd, yes. Monty Python, Pete and Pete...But I hate regular tv programming, I usually only tune in for The Simpsons and Malcom in the Middle and that's about it. Oh, and lost but SO NOT least Law & Order: SVU and Sex in the City.


Stories with GOOD character development. Pullman, Phillip K. Dick, Stephen King, Hunter S. Thompson, George Orwell, Neil Gaiman, Chuck P., Christopher Moore...Comics: Strangers in Paradise, anything Vertigo: Watchman, V for Vendetta, Sandman, Preacher..stories by Alan Moore, Niel Gaiman and anything illustrated by Dave McKean.


My mom, she's been through a lot and she managed to raise us kids pretty damn well all on her own. She's a strong independent woman, but certainly isn't scared of showing emotion (I can recall a few somewhat embarrassing moments where my mum got all blubbery) Just shows that its alright to be human, you know?Rosanne, my best friend. Until just a few years ago I had no idea the hardships she had to grow up in. Knowing where she came from, how she's handled it through all the years and where she is now...I have the utmost respect for her and her unlimited drive to achieve. I call her my best friend because no matter what she's there for me and she's always willing to listen and lend some helpful advice. Not to mention we have a lot of good laughs...especially about all the lame things we did as eat grass. :PNatasha for having the most caring heart. Most people I know couldn't handle the amount of time and effort she's put forth to protect and care for animals who are unable to protect themselves. She inspires me to be just that little bit more understanding and open to others...animal or human.Casey, for stubbornly hanging onto her childlike shyness and curiousity of the world. Finding fascination and fun in everything and always brightening up the room with her bright eyes and smile...when she chooses, of course.And lastly, Matthew. For his bravery and willingness to sacrifice his life and freedom for others in Iraq. For his sense of humor through everything that keeps everyone around him in good spirits. For making my days truly splendid for having spent them with him.

My Blog

Things as they are this summer night..

Hello internetland!Hmmm...where to begin.  It's all very exciting, really.  I've been on my wonderous break from school for about a month or so now.  I must say, it's wonderful not draw...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 01:07:00 PST

I swear, its in the air or something...

Hello all~So after this ever so long week of waiting I am finally able to officially announce my ENGAGEMENT!  To the wonderful Mattersaur, of course.  We’ve been talking about it for w...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:15:00 PST

Cats rule!

Hello everybody...I'd like to introduce my new kitty, Domino.  I/my mother stole her from a rather uncaring family next door from us.  My mother tried to teach the kids about cats- how to pl...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:11:00 PST

Happy October everyone!!

Howdy y'all..Good news!  I was hired on as an animation intern at Handheld Games.  Good times indeed...I'll be cleaning up animation frames for a while.  They hired me for my drawing sk...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:37:00 PST

Not So Merry April, Everyone!

I must say this month has had it's overwhelming amount of down-ness.  The big downer, Matt and I parted ways.  We figured as great as it was, there was something foundational missing.  ...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 11:34:00 PST

Joyous March everyone!

So, finally done with my wintery/spring quarter at AIS.  Before I finished I found out they fired my favorite professor for being too loud and too caring about his students, heven forbid.  P...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 08:56:00 PST

Happy January everyone!!!

Things are peachy.  EXTRORDINARILY busy, but peachy keen.  I've completely enveloped myself in school over the last few weeks.  I love it to death (besides my gen ed class).  I'm o...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 07:19:00 PST

Merry December everyone!!

So, life sucks, how're you?My man is currently away in New Mexico, has been away for the last few weeks.  I miss him and I want him home NOW.  It adds extra pressure that I now owe $133 to t...
Posted by The Kiminator!! on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 01:55:00 PST