Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot profile picture

Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot

i'm just me, and that's pretty kewl.

About Me

i'm just me, and that's pretty kewl.
i'm unique in the most extreme sense of the word. lots of Christophers are alike, particularly libran Christophers, but of all these, i'm a cut above the rest. ---that's called being cocky, i think.
basically, i'm confident and comfortable. i like me. i'm an asshole to be sure, but i can be the most empathetic man on the planet, and i'm always sincere when i'm not being sarcastic. why admit these? Because it's likely i'm the only one to ever read this.
about me? i am Green, but i act Blue. there's quite a bit about me that you can learn, so you'll just have to keep an eye out. or hell, you could always ask, cause that's another thing about me. i always wonder why people ask if they can ask me a question, rather than just asking the question on their minds. What, am i somehow intimidating?
From The Golden Compass, the personality profile nailed my soul so precisely that i practically jumped out of my skin when Arphenia walked up to me as my Daemon. I'm thrilled to find her as my soul in animal form, for i've long identified with tigers as my totem animals. And yet, having said that, i also identify with Wolves and Sharks, for i fluctuate between pack- and lone-mentalities often--meaning i'm often a rogue shark or lone wolf, but i always protect my pack. Want a final fact about me? I'd give my life in the defense of any one of the beloved friends in my pack, the same way as i have lain my life on the line time and again in past years, and I'll never fear death again, for i have looked Death square in the eye, facing my primal fears.

My Interests

I'm deeply interested in interesting things. Seriously!

I'd like to meet:

Gosh, this is such a great question. there are just so many people that come to mind like--- Oh yeah, guys that can deliver social commentary like Swift or humerous truths like Afroman does in this video.

To further address this question, i've recently returned my profile to public view, because i am interested in meeting new people. i do my best to never judge anyone, and i do quite well at making observations without passing judgement, so like-minded folks who can relate to that are my kind of people.


Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Add to My Profile | More Videos The Animals - House of the Rising Sun
Add to My Profile | More Videos The Animals - We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
Add to My Profile | More Videos The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun
Add to My Profile | More Videos


Hollywood movies. indipendant films have their niche in life, but i'm too into mainstream to take the time to get to know most indy films. i own most of my favorites on Widescreen DVD, and my collection continues to update as great releases hit shelves.


ANIMANIACS!!!!! Also, Bravo TV, USA Network, The Sci-Fi channel, TNT, and the basic channel prime-time action/drama shows. The West Wing, Stargates, and Law & Orders all rock. i LOVE Battlestar Galactica and Nip/Tuck. LOVE Doctor Who -revised- and The Shield. oh yes. i love my TV, but we don't get to spend as much time together as i'd like. About television, i could go on for days!! truly, i feel blessed for all the television programs i grew up with, for they absolutely helped to enrich my life indoors


The last book i read for leisure was the latest in the long line of books by R.A. Salvatore, "The Orc King"


Mondays on NBC

My Blog

Quotes i live by

Let's just start, shall we? Afterall, the title says it all, and so shall the following quotes: "I'm just me, and that's pretty kewl"-- the most succinct, most self-aware, self-assured, self-actualize...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 10:16:00 PST

the Tripple Cs guide to a better nights sleep

After some slight bragging on my part, Punisher asked me just how it was that i've been able to get such better nights of sleep.  What follows is the email i sent him along with a few links at th...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:31:00 PST

October Essay

The task: In 250 to 400 words, Name the Traits or Characteristics Required for a Person to be "Educated." Explain Why These Traits are Essential.   My essay: In the hands of a well-spoken individ...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 03:41:00 PST


Happiness is positive income. this is a phrase my father shared with me, and the more i thought about it, the more deeply i understood just how insightful that is. well, school fucked around with me...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 11:20:00 PST

Green Day

about 6 songs from Nimrod are rotating though my brain right now. today was all about me. i wanted new sneakers, so i got some. wanted new cargo shorts, so i picked up a pair and two pairs of th...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 03:13:00 PST

cause when my favorite people start doing something kewl, i follow

I LIVE: in the room i always dreamed of having in castle gorebashI WORK: when i'm physically able.I THINK: more than i should on things that i shouldnt.I SMELL: like FebreZe?I LISTEN: to all that i ca...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:12:00 PST

after hours of thought

i just want someone who's hand i can hold during a movie. i just want someone who i can cuddle with while watching a DVD. i just want someone i can tell my stories to. i just want someone i can walk a...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 01:56:00 PST

An Excerpt

As she entered the small study, she found her lover hard at work on an alchemical task. From the entry, she was unable to see what his diminutive hands were meticulously measuring, but the great care ...
Posted by Mr. Mirthful/Sir Laughsalot on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:03:00 PST