Georgie Boy profile picture

Georgie Boy

Tonge... Your site is the bollocks!

About Me

Everything You Wanna Know About Me by madhatter
The basics
First name:: George
Middle name:: George
Last name:: Tonge
Age:: 17
Date of birth:: 10/12/1989
Hair colour:: Blonde
Eye colour:: Brown
Height:: 6'1
Weight:: ?
Any Tattoos?:: not yet
Any Peircings?:: nope
Siblings?:: no
Pets?:: no
Shoe size:: 12 13(US)
Parents still married?:: no
What are you listening to right now?:: carlos santana
Your favorite.....
Non-Alcoholic drink:: water
Alcoholic drink:: stella
Type of food:: italian
Meal/Food dish:: any italian
Dessert:: gotta be the chocolate fudge cake!
Shampoo & Conditioner:: think im using lynk, or molton brown right now
Toothpaste:: sensodyne
Salad dressing:: :S
Ice cream:: strawberry
Fast food establishment:: pizza hut :P
Colour:: pink!!!! lol
Season:: summer
Holiday:: summer (for the length of it)
Perfume/Cologne:: paul smith- extreme
Video Game:: GTA
T.V. show:: comedies in general
Article of clothing:: do you mean item? erm gotta be the cross round my neck
Children's Book::
Candy:: haribo! classic
Chocolate:: mars
Car:: ferrari spider/f450
Time of day:: evening as the sun sets
Day of the week:: friday
Song at the moment:: carlos santana still
Subject in school:: drama
Movie:: south park movie classic!
Anime show::
Celebrity:: me :P
The last.....
Movie you watched:: the core
Magazine you looked at:: ?
Thing you ate:: bowl of cereal
Book you read:: Mycenae-Epidaurus-Tiryns-Nauplion-Heraion of Argos-Argos-Asine-Lerna-Troezen and it will haunt me for life!!!!!
T.v. show you watched:: scrubs
Time you cried:: long time ago
Drink you drank:: water
Do You.......
Store things under your bed:: not any more
Daydream:: yep
Have a computer at home:: yeh
Have a good luck charm:: yeh she's called heather, shes number 3 on my list :)
Collect anything:: yeh all sorts
Brush your teeth daily:: corse
Brush your hair daily:: haha unfortunately no need to
Shower daily:: yeh
Sing:: hell yeah!
Dance:: well ask heather about that one :S
Get drunk:: nah
Read books:: nah
Listen to music a lot:: yeh constantly
Read magazines:: nah
Have an iPod:: mp3
Want an iPod:: nope
Play an instrument:: nah
Watch TV:: now and then
Listen to the radio:: sometimes
Still use your CD player:: lol no, but i want to now!
Stalk people:: nooo
Think your attractive:: haha well not to be a bighead
Like thunderstorms:: now and then
Smoke:: no
Do drugs:: nooo
Drink:: not so much
Want to get married:: someday
Want to have kids:: maybe
Get sea sick:: not rele
Get car sick:: very rarely
Get along with your parents:: i try
Sleep with the T.V. on:: nah
Have a T.V. in your bedroom:: yeh
Work:: yeh (but dont get called in much anymore)
have a crush on someone:: nah
Would you _____ for $?
Kill:: depends on who?
Have sex:: depends on who?
Slap a blind dude:: thats just mean!
Get a sex change:: icky!!!!!!!!
Go streaking:: most likely!
Kiss the same gender:: as above :P
Walk around all day with your fly wide open:: yeh no hassle!
French kiss a dog:: dont think so
In a boyfriend/girlfriend
Hair color:: brunette
Eye color:: bright blue/green/brown
Tattoos:: can be ok as long as not covered in them
Piercings:: best with afew
Favorite Music:: doesnt matter 2 much
Body type:: fairly slim, but not skinny or it just doesnt look right
Personality or looks:: bubbly personality, thats the main thing, as long as they can have a good time then i can get along well with her
Do you go on "Pity Dates":: no, no point in leading people on like that
Does size matter:: now lets not get into that right now
Do they have to be popular:: no, as long as the personality is kl then its fine
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around:: does it really matter that much!
Kiss on the first date:: not always
Sex on the first date:: as above
How many.....
pets:: 0
earings:: 0
DVDs:: afew
shirts:: lots
jeans:: lots
shoes:: afew
Random Questions
Biggest fear:: bloody wasps!
Are you a virgin?:: dont start with the personal stuff just yet!
Early bird or night owl?:: nights
Have you ever stayed up all night?:: ofcourse lots and lots
Have you ever been stabbed/shot?:: no
Have you ever broken any bones?:: yeh afew
Have you ever beat someone up?:: yeh
Have you ever stolen from your friends?:: no
Have you ever been kicked out of a store?:: yes actually
Have you ever stolen from a store?:: not that i remember
Pepsi or Coke:: pepsi
MCDonalds or Burger King:: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla:: a mix of both ;P
Future Job:: pimp lol
Favorite Sport:: tennis
Are you scared of the dark:: not rele
Fruit or Vegetable:: fruit
Short or Long Hair:: long for girls, short for boys
Best Friend:: dougie/hunty
Weirdest Friend:: dougie
What would you like to get pierced?:: nothing
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?:: i cant remember having a boyfriend
Have you ever turned down a dare?:: no
Have you ever kissed a boy on the lips?:: no
Own a stuffed animal?:: most likely
have u ever danced in a public place?:: yeh i had a street dance against dougie
What subjects do you do at school?:: sociology, classics, theology, drama, and eng lang
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Pimp My Profile George, haha im the guy in the hat in both pictures, 16 go to sixth form at wimbledon college, and look like the picture i guess, if you wanna know more than ask me for some details

Myspace Layouts at / 350z

My Interests

lots and lots, ask me for some

I'd like to meet:

hmmmm, anyone who wants to meet me i guess, or someone with a hot ass!


pretty much anything, as long as theres noise then im ok my profile song is a devotion to my singing buddy, she'll know y....


too many to mention, ask me for some


the greatest game ever made!


My Blog

do it aswell!!!

1.Your Full Name: 2. Age: 3. Single or Taken: 4. Favorite Movie: 5. Favorite Song: 6. Favorite Band/Artist: 7. Dirty or Clean: 8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ... 1. Do we know...
Posted by Georgie Boy on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 02:53:00 PST

do it! do it!

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. What do you think of me?5. Do you like me?6. What's the best memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will be friends? 8. D...
Posted by Georgie Boy on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 02:49:00 PST