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You move, you make a sound, I'll snatch the life right out of you...

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.. MYSPACELAYOUTSPY CODE END --Im Tad, 19 years old, drinking and playing basketball are on my top things to do everyday. I work for the U.S. Army as an infantryman, I jump out of planes and shoot an M4/M203 (grenade launcher) its fun, i love it, i live in italy now but i miss california beyond belief and everyone of my friends and family...umm...I have AIM and Yahoo messanger so hit me up on there if y'all wanna.AOL Instant Messanger: EpiDemiK787 Yahoo: TadPolePond714well, im out bitches...
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My Interests

Linkin Park - What Ive Done Music Codes

I'd like to meet:

Carmen Electra definatly. umm, and anyone else that is fun and doesn't get embarressed easily cuz im loud and obnoxious.


Napoleon Dynamite, Dumb and Dumer, Anchorman, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factoy(new and old), Bad News Bears(old), Cinderells Man, War of the Worlds, Jay and Silient Bob Strike Back, Elf, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy, Lord of the Rings(all), Wedding Crashers, Old School, Land of the Dead, Harry Potter(all), Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, The Longest Yard, Madagascar, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Troy, Sandlot, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Seabiscuit, Spiderman(1 and 2), Batman(all), The Truman SHow, Ace Ventura(1 and 2), A Series of Unfortunate Events, Big Momma's House, Bad Boys(1 and 2), Die Hard(all), Sin City, I Robot, Wild Wild West, White Chicks, Rush Hour(1 and 2), Kiss of the Dragon, Dogma, Mall Ratz, Jackass 1 and 2, major league 1 and 2, The Green Mile, SNL the best of Adam Sandlar, Black Hawk Down, Tears of the Sun, Unleashed, The One, Kiss of the Dragon...some others but I can't think of them right now....


Family Guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Friends, Trigger Happy TV, South Park..hmm, I don't watch a lot of TV anymore.


What the fuck are books? Is that new kind of animal? Sounds dangerous...Oh, did you know they have the internet on computers now?


This is the famous Budweiser beer. We know of no brand produced by any other brewer which costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive Beechwood Aging produces a taste, a smoothness and a drinkablity you will find in no other beer at any price.

My Blog

i wonder who this is about??

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty, He She asked him if he would want to be with her forever...and he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and ...
Posted by Doh-No on Sat, 05 May 2007 05:09:00 PST

dunno what to call this one

I fall to pieces everynight Knowing that I hurt you out of spite I just want you to forgive me, and all will be well Because you know when you gave me that look my heart just fell I know I said I coul...
Posted by Doh-No on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:04:00 PST

Yup...still am that guy

I'm sorrythat i bought you rosesto tell you that i like youI'm sorryThat I was raised with respectnot to sleep with you when you were drunkI'm sorryThat my body's not ripped enoughto "satisfy" your wa...
Posted by Doh-No on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 03:18:00 PST

The O.C. Season 3 rewiew im sitting on CQ with my ol pal sgt cushman and he decides to bring in OC season 3 and watch i sit down, not reallly looking forward to it and by the end of the first episode i was hoo...
Posted by Doh-No on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:04:00 PST

Another Poem

The Devil Inside   In our hearts we think there is just love, care and kindness But what you don't know is that the devil lurks in the darkness He is in our hearts and in our minds But all w...
Posted by Doh-No on Sat, 06 May 2006 08:20:00 PST

Waterfalls, best drinking game ever.

Rules for WaterfallsFirst off, a full can of beer is placed in the center of the table with the cards spread out face down around it. One Player picks a card at a time in order. Ace = In your face (pe...
Posted by Doh-No on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 09:52:00 PST

<[Poetry]> Friends <[Poetry]>

Friends Hangin' and talkin' with friends I hope these days will never end. Playin' games, makin' jokes, Introducing them to your folks. Staying all day, and staying all night, And then having that fir...
Posted by Doh-No on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 01:14:00 PST

<[Poetry]> Trying to cover up bad times <[Poetry]>

Trying to cover up bad times Drinkin' beer, smokin' weed, Chillin' with friends, that's all I need. All my pain, all my dispair, Floats away into the air. One 40, one bowl, This shit never gets old. H...
Posted by Doh-No on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 01:05:00 PST

Woopidy Doo

I dislike redding people sometimes, even if they are my friends. You repeat something that someone else says and you get bitched at for it and probably lose a friend. fucking weak. then, when you try ...
Posted by Doh-No on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 12:40:00 PST

Chico + Tequilla = Hospital

So basically i went to chico lastnight with my friend zach. we heard this loud ass music so we thought we'd check it out. it was a tight ass party so i took out my bottle of jose an started drinking. ...
Posted by Doh-No on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 07:06:00 PST