I was raised by Two extremely powering individuals wHom I owE my lifE to And eveRyday is spent paying theM bAck for the values they've instilleD in me to make me the person I Am today. They are My Mother and Father. In this day in age where marriage is something so flimsy and quick to dismiss, these two individuals have managed to make it with very little money, hope and true love for a brighter future. I think that is the most inspiring thing in the world to me.I started playing guitar 10 years ago and I haven't put it down since. It still gives me chills when I play something new, or figure out a song that I wanted to learn. I am a pretty independent person but I'm not afraid to ask for help. I don't have a job because I currently play guitar full time in a band called Thee Armada. I am a big geek and enjoy all things technology. If you need anything else, please ask.
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