I'd like to meet:
A Brief Explanation of What We DO
Internet is experiencing staggering growth, doubling in size every 70 - 100 days. A new
Consolidating Site (OCS) was designed for on line shopping and business support for the people who promote
this web site.
Independent Business Owners Association International (IBOAI) developed a consortium of businesses such as
Microsoft, IBM, Fry Multi-Media, and other major companies to create an Internet phenomenon that utilizes a
proven business model.
This Order Consolidation Site (OCS) collects orders and consolidates delivery for
thousands of manufacturers products.
We create income opportunities for Independent Business Owners (IBO's) who generate e-commerce volume.
If you have an interest in owning your own Internet based business, leveraging your time or creating residual
income, this may be the right business for you.
Passions and Passion-Killers
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream.
I love children. Have two lovely gifts of my own!
I have a few good topics that make me twitch to even think about; but I'll leave them out and spare you my world-famous visions.
Find It@Ur 1 Stop SHOP!!! for Great Products & Personalized Incentives!!!
Think About This
For most people with a job, working 40-60 hours a week is a way of life with little hope of ever changing. Trading your time and energy to a boss or company for 40 years is the only way most people know how to make a living. That is what we call the
Plan A approach to life and business.
Consider for a moment Plan B....
This plan could open for you as it has for thousands of others a gateway to....
... have more family and leisure time.
... own a bigger or nicer home.
... drive a new or nicer car.
... travel more.
... have more income.
... create flexibility for future generations.
... give to your favorite church or charity.
... own your own business.
e-commerce Plan B approach to business revolves around living a lifestyle with the emphasis on having more time. Your own business can give you choices. As a business owner on a winning team, you can learn to create a Plan B Web based business that generates passive income by
organizing Internet Shopping!
Consider This
Every day you, & everyone you know, buy gas, make phone calls, eat, dress, pay bills, entertain yourself, maintain your home, self, pets, yard, car, etc... You are already doing a large part of what it takes to make money in this business. Most likely you are making these purchases from a grocery store, discount house, convenience store, department store, catalog, or on the Internet.
By becoming an
Independent Business Owner (IBO) you have access to nearly all of these same products or services on-line. You profit by purchasing from your own Internet business what you would normally buy elsewhere & promote that idea to other potential internet shoppers.
Some of the products that are available...
Sporting Goods, Flowers, Gardening, Software, Computer Hardware, Tools, Toys, Childcare Products, Apparel, Music, Hardware, Jewelry, Home Improvement, Office Supply, Fashion, Collectible Toys & Gifts, Specialty Foods, Bicycles, Luxury Products, Designer Eyewear, Greeting Cards, Art, Entertainment... and more!
In A Nut Shell
By consolidating & organizing the buying power of others, the middlemen are eliminated & special pricing is made available to you. In addition to special pricing (15 - 35%),
bonuses are paid to
IBOs based on volume.
By shifting purchases from where you used to shop to your own Internet Based Business (IBB) you create points.
You and others buy products
Products = Points
Points = Income
You learn to shop on line and create points. You teach this shopping method to other people.
Their points are added to your points to create bonus volume. Your Income will be based on the total volume you direct to the web site.
More people you tell leads to more traffic…
More traffic leads to more purchases…
More purchases lead to more points…
More points leads to more income!
The IBOAI makes available thousands of products from hundreds of manufacturers. Some of them are: IBM, Hickory Farms, Ocean Essentials,
Bass Pro, Landscape USA, Catalog City,
Diamond Toys, Fuller brush, Tire Place,
The Silver Mine, Bite Golfwear, Wizzard Software, Johnson Emu Seafood, Krazy Crabcakes, Keepsakes and Memories, A Matter of Time,
Diamond Jeweler, Franklin/Covey, Bayberry Gifts,
United Floral,
Bicycle Central, Leathergoods Depot,
E-Knives and Collectibles, Nice Shades, Collectable Toyz,
Collectable Dolls, Drug Free Home, Outlet Tool Supply, Pro Team,
WebClothes, Omaha Steaks, The Games Store, Mabell Phones,
The Software Store, The Home Shop,
Chocoholic, Toys and Gifts,
Paul Fredrick Menstyle, Body Relief,
GetBulbs, Southern Appeal, Sports Supply,
I Go Golf, Triple-A Premium Steaks,
Lens Express, Front Door Foods,
Office Depot, Activa Travel, and lots more to come!
I, Dreamer
Online Alias: Achates
Real Name: Nicole
DOB: 03/09/80 (27)
Zodiac: Virgo
Adores: Brian, WWDB Mentorers, WWDB all over the Country, (
Builders), & of course--To all The Great Men & Women who are willing to go out there to sacrifice there lives, & allow us to have the lives that we most take for granted... Thank you to all the Military Men & Woman!!!
Despises: Un-fulfilled Days--Make every day count!!! TODAY MATTERS!!!
Gender: Her
Love: Brian
Status: In a relationship
Story Of My Life
My name is Nicole. That's Greek for 'Victory of The People'.
Modest and shy
Meticulous and reliable
Practical and diligent
Intelligent and analytical
On the dark side....
Fussy and a worrier
Overcritical and harsh
Perfectionist and conservative
My Other Half
We have been together
Brian & I now since February 14th, 2003. He is my rock, my best friend, my confidant, my love, my other half. I never used to believe in all that 'mushy stuff', but I would be lost now without him.
We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
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Heartfelt Promises
There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open; no gulf that enough love will not bridge; no wall that enough love will not throw down; no sin that enough love will not redeem... It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble; how hopeless the outlook; how muddled the tangle; how great the mistake. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world...
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